MND patients get respite with Homoeopathy – Dr A K Gupta at IISF

November 18, 2019by Ovihams1Homeopathy

MND patients get respite with Homoeopathy – Dr A K Gupta at IISF

November 18, 2019 by Ovihams1

Dr. A. K. Gupta presented an extensive study of 378 cases of MND patients at the IISF, 2019.

Homoeopathic treatment emerges out to be more effective treatment in providing Respite to the patients suffering from Motor Neuron Disease according to the Research Study presented in the recently held Health Research Conclave of 5th India International Science Festival (IISF, 2019) in Kolkata. It was inaugurated by Video address by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narender Modi ji. Hon’ble Minister of Science and Technology, Minister of Health and Family welfare, Minister of Earth Science Dr. Harsh Vardhan ji, Dr. Nakul Prashar, Director Vigyan Prasar along with a large number of Scientists, Doctors and young Students from all over India and Officials and State Ministers from various countries were present at the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre.

MND (Motor Neuron Disease) a fast progressive degenerative disorder which leads to progressive paralysis and eventual death, according to the Scientific paper and study presented by Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta in the Health Research Conclave of IISF-2019.

MND (Motor Neuron Disease) a fast progressive degenerative disorder which leads to progressive paralysis and eventual death, according to the Scientific paper and study presented by Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta in the Health Research Conclave of IISF-2019.

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MND or ALS, occurs when specialist nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord called motor neurons stop working properly also known as neurodegeneration. As the condition progresses, people with motor neuron disease find some or all of these activities increasingly difficult. Eventually, they may become impossible.

Progression of symptoms is very common early symptoms include:

1. Weakened grip, which can cause difficulty picking up or holding objects.

2. Weakness at the shoulder that makes lifting the arm difficult

3. Difficulty in getting up and walking. Foot drop caused by weak ankle muscles

4. Dragging of the leg

5. Slurred speech (dysarthria)

6. Cough with Breathlessness.

7. Wasting of Muscles

8. Fasciculations

9. Imbalance, tendency to fall.

10. Difficulty in holding the Neck etc.

The condition is not usually painful.

As damage progresses, symptoms spread to other parts of the body and the condition becomes more debilitating.

Eventually, a person with motor neuron disease may be unable to move. Communicating, swallowing and breathing may also become very difficult and becomes totally like paralyzed and become dependent on others.Though the Intellect of the patient remains intact.


There is currently no cure for motor neuron disease apparently in modern medicine. Treatment aims to slow down or arrest the fast progression of the degeneration with Riluzole. Though some Injections and Stem Cell are also being tried now a days without any conclusive and positive response.

Homoeopathy has shown some very encouraging results in Slowing down or even arresting the fast progression of the degeneration along with relief in the associated symptoms at AKGsOVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences). A center dedicated to Homoeo- Psycho Cure & Care with Wellness. A study of 378 patients suffering from MND was presented with evidence based cases where in Videos of many patients were shown with the condition of the patients showing improvement in before and after treatment videos were substantiated.

• This paper created interest among the Scientists and doctors to look upon the efficacy of Homoeopathic treatment for MND patients to be researched further.

Prof. Dr.A.K.Gupta also chaired a Scientific Session in the Wellness Conclave of IISF-2019 on Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy. Visited the Posters on Life Style ,Health and Homoeopathy. Doctors from NIH (National Institute of Homoeopathy) had participated in Poster presentation in the Wellness Conclave & Expo. There were around 28 events covered in 4 days India International Science Festival 2019. Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, Young buddying Scientists, Students, Women Scientists and Entrepreneur took active participation. 3 Guinness World Records were also certified during the festival.

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The Inauguration and Valedictory function was attended by the Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar. He appreciated and congratulated everyone for the success of the India International Science Festival (IISF- 2019).

DISCLAIMER: The information on this blog is for News Reporting and Educational Purposes Only.

One comment

  • Rohit

    March 13, 2024 at 8:03 am

    Mnd treatment

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