
70% of Vitiligo / Leucoderma Patients gets Cured with Homoeopathy claim experts in workshop on Vitiligo on the occasion of World Vitiligo Day 25th June at Chennai


Homoeotimes , journal on Clinical evidence published by AKP Homoeopathy Clinical Research Center in association with Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy organized a Vitiligo Workshop at Hotel Deccan Plaza, Chennai on 25th June 2017, commemorating the World Vitiligo day . The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy and AKP Homoeopathic Clinical Research center collaborated this event . The workshop has been organized exclusively to bring the efficacy of Homoeopathy in Vitiligo treatment by the Homoeopathy experts About 62 experts witnessed the workshop .
Evidence based Clinical studies were shared by Experts- Prof.Dr.A.K.Gupta,MD(Hom) Director AKGsOVIHAMS Homoeopathic Clinics , Delhi
Prof.Dr. Shreepad Hegde, MD (Hom.) , Banglore
Dr. P. Mukandan ,MD (Hom.) Salem
Dr.R.D.Pavalan, MD(Hom.)Maduria
Dr.Mahendra N kabra, MD(Hom)Jalana
Dr.R. Gnanasambadam ,MD(Hom.) Chennai
Dr. Peter Martin, MD (Hom.) Chennai
Dr. K.S. Anandhi, MD(Hom.) Erode
Research updates were shared by
Dr.Lipipushpa, MD(Hom) Lucknow
Dr.B. Bhuvneshwari, MD(Hom.) Kottayam,Kerala
Dr.Kolli Raju, MD (Hom) Chennai
Finally the Panel discussion held to outline the perspectives of Homoeopathy in Vitiligo treatment. The session was Chaired by Dr R Gnanasambandam ,Former President , Tamil, Nadu Homoeopathy Medical Council & Editor Homoeo Times The following resolutions and recommendations were drawn for attention of Scientific community , Government and public
The Workshop reviewed the Vitiligo literature by the presentations by experts in the field. The session on evidenced based studies in Vitiligo treatment was shared by senior clinicians from Tamil Nadu and all over India. The Scientists representing the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy endorsed their special projects on Vitiligo with evidence based studies . The Clinical session with experts illustrated the cured cases, progressive and non progressive cases

1. Homoeopathy proves that vitiligo can be treated efficaciously. The presentations proved both localized and generalized types respond to
remedies. The facts prove that the Vitiligo responds to inner medication and do not need any external application or sun exposure to activate the pigment cells .
2. Vitiligo is long termed illness, requires patience in treatment , Hence the most dynamised Homoeopathic medicines preferable without any side effects . The Homoeopathic Medicines are cost effective which is affordable to everyone
3. Workshop discussed the more emergence in pigmentary lesions caused by more Chemical indulgence such as use of more fertilizers , pesticides’ fast food , processed food and life style and digestive tract infestations such as worms and Amoebiasis
4. Workshop recommends the affected victims to avoid the most triggering Non Vegetraian food since the animal proteins like , Chicken , Mutton, Fish shall act as foreign protein to produce anti bodies , which blocks the pigment cell functioning
5. The Workshop congratulates the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy for holding exclusive research projects in Vitiligo proving the efficacy of Homoeopathy additionally Hence the work shop recommends Central and State Government to create exclusive Vitiligo Clinics. Also recommends the Department of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy to start special Out Patent departments .
6. The workshop recommends Collective effort to drive extensive global Vitiligo Awareness Programs.
7. Efficacy of Homoeopathic medicine in vitiligo as ascertained by 62 experts endorsed 70 % success rate.
8. The following Homoeopathic Medicines has been mostly found effective are Arsenicum Album, Acid Nit, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Natrum Mur, Silicia Etc…
9. Difficult cases in Vitiligo with poor response can be studied with a committee of expert panel of minimum 5 Homoeopathic Experts.
Large number of Vitiligo patients have been cured & benifited with Homoeopathy at AKGsOVIHAMS Homoeopathic Clinics.

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