

It is a contagious Respiratory Disease caused by H1N1 Virus .

The Virus enter the body through inhalation of contaminated droplets or is transferred from a contaminated surface to the Eyes, Nose or Mouth of a person.


Early signs of Influenza A (H1N1) are Flu – like

  • VOMITINGS & DIARRHOEA( In some cases)

One must be able to differentiate the Common Flu/Cold from Swine Flu. This table will be very useful for all of you.

Differences Between Cold, Seasonal Flu & Swine Flu (H1N1) Symptoms



Seasonal Flu

Swine Flu




Present & usually High Fever


Hacking , Productive

Dry ,Non Productive

Dry Non Productive Coughing

Stuffy Nose

Commonly present

Running Nose present

No Stuffy Nose usually

Aches & pains

Slight Bodyaches

Moderate aches & Pains

Severe Bodyaches & Pains


Not common

Mild to Moderate

Mostly have Chills




Usually Absent


Not common

Fairly Common

Very common


Fairly Mild

Moderate , As Lack of Energy

Moderate to severe

Sore Throat

Commonly present

Commonly Present

Not Present commonly

Chest Discomfort

Mild to Moderate


Often Severe


Develop over a few days

Tends to develop over few days with Flushed face, Nausea, dizziness, lasts 4-7 days

Has Rapid Onset within 3-6 hours. H1N1 hits hard & fast includes Sudden High fever, Pains, Bodyaches


Stay Home
If you are sick or have any flu-like symptoms, stay home. Do not go to school or work. Swine flu symptoms may mimic those of regular flu and cold symptoms.

Contain Your Cough
Cough or sneeze into the crook (inside elbow) of your arm. This way you do not transfer the germs to your hands and then to every object you touch. Swine flu is very contagious, and can spread easily by touching an infected object and then touching your face. A flu mask will help you avoid infection in enclosed spaces. Use of MASK is advisable.

Wash Hands Frequently
Wash hands constantly to avoid swine flu. Anything you touch may be affected, so keeping hands clean will help you avoid infection.


Gargle with warm salt water 2-3 times a day prevents proliferation. H1N1 takes2-3 days after initial infection in the Throat / Nasal cavity to proliferate the virus and show characteristic symptoms.

Hand Sanitizer
Carry hand sanitizer with you. If you have things others have touched, use your hand sanitizer to avoid swine flu infection. In addition, avoid shaking hands or other hand to hand contact whenever possible. Also avoid kissing on the cheek or other face to face contact as a greeting method.


Drink as much of warm liquids ( tea, coffee etc.) as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling , but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from throat into stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.

Boost Natural Immunity

Can be done with foods that are rich in Vitamin C ( Amla and other Citrus Fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it has Zinc to boost the absoption.

Public Facilities
Touch public handles and pens as little as possible. These are loaded with germs that may carry the swine flu virus.

Air Travel
When you fly, be most diligent about following these guidelines. Transferring any flu, including swine flu, is most likely in close quarters like an airplane.

Clean Your Produce
The life span of a virus is different for each and can vary from as much as 48 hours to 100 years depending on the hardiness of the virus. Although there have been no known cases of swine flu transmission through fruit and vegetable consumption, there does seem to be some concern about the possibility. The best bet is to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables if possible. Make sure you wash your fruits and vegetables with water, and soak for greater effectiveness. Washes and using chlorinated rinses have not been proven to work. So far there have been no cases of swine flu transmission through fruits and vegetable sources.

Avoid Crowds
Stay out of crowds as much as possible. Close proximity to other people will heighten your chances of to get swine flu. Wear a surgical mask in areas of high traffic concentration. Try to stay at least 3-6 feet away from people.

Eating and Drinking
Do not eat or drink after others without complete sanitization of containers or utensils. Swine flu can be transmitted by contact with infected eating utensils.

Homoeopathic Approach

Though Homoeopathy deals in treating the patients in a individualistic manner. Homoeopathy has been found effective in the past also to help in the previous epidemics. As the symptoms goes in majority of cases Arsenic Album seems to be the most suitable as genus epidemicus. Though Aviare & Influnzinum are also considered to be helpfull in curtailing & Preventing this Flu. It is advised that one must consult a qualified Homoeopathic doctor before taking it.

Taking precautionary measures are of paramount importance as discussed here in details. Homoeopathic treatment is given to the patients by considering the Symptoms of the patient.

Vaccinations are not effective against the H1N1 virus. If one contracts the virus one can go to the doctor within 36 hours and ask for Tamiflu or Relenza , if Homoeopathic Doctor is not available around. These antiviral medicines can halt the progression of H1N1 or Swine flu virus. Visit an authorised Medical centre or Hospital equipped to deal with such cases.

Prof. Dr.A.K.Gupta,MD(Hom.)

Sr. Homoeopathic Consultant,Gold Medalist
Advisor Media, Delhi Homoeopathic Board,Govt. of Delhi

President- Delhi State Homoeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI)

Ex.Member- Delhi Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine & Homoeopathic Advisory Committee, Govt. of NCT Delhi
Founder Director – A.K.GsOVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy & Allied Medical Sciences)Accredited in LIMCA Book of Records., Global Healthcare Excellence Awardee

Recipient-Global Healthcare Excellence Award 2013; Bharat Excellence Award, International Dr.Hahnemann Award of Millennium,Dhanwantri Award, Meritorious Award, Homoeopathic Gem Award, Lifetime Acheivemnet Award
158,Satya Niketan,Moti Bagh, New Delhi-110021, Ph-24100494
J- 158, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027,Ph- 25101989, M – 9811341238
RU -115, Pitam Pura, New Delhi-110034,M -9873565050
Website- www.ovihams.com ; Email- [email protected]

Skype name- akgsovihams ; Twiter handle- @AKGSOVIHAMS

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22nd AHML International Homoeopathic Conference held in Malyaisa , Kualalampur

Recently 2 days 8-9th Nov. 2014 22nd International Homoeopathic Conference was held in Kualalmpur, Malaysia organized by Asian Homoeopathic Medical League.

Conference was inaugurated by the Datuk Dr.S.Subramanium, Hon’ble Minister of Health, Malaysia. More than 200 doctors participated in the conference.

Various topics like Diabetes Mellitus, Cancer, Spasmodic Dysphonia, Bell’s Palsy, Arthritis, Psoriasis, Vitiligo and Yumeiho Therapy.

The prominent speakers were Dr. M.Jawaid Khokhar, Dr. Anil Seth, Dr. Anwar Amin, Dr.Sanket Gupta,Dr. Jahangir Alam, Prof. Dr.A.K.Gupta, Dr.Siti Aishah, Dr.Faisal Cuheni, Dr.M.Latiff, Dr. Mehmet Kocabas and Zaphir Lembang

From India Dr.A.K.Seth and Dr. Anwar Amir presented papers on Cancer with Homoeopathically treated cases with documented reports and videos. Dr.Anwar emphasised the use of LM potency.

Dr.Sanket Gupta presented his paper A case of Spasmodic Dysphonia cured with Homoeopathy. Dr.Sanket was the youngest among all speakers in the conference. His paper was appreciated by all the doctors. He was presented with an award of excellence by Dr. Mohd Nasir and Dr. Nik Fairuz of Malaysia.

Prof.Dr. A. K. Gupta presented four cases of Bell’s Palsy cured with Homoeopathy and presented Audio-Video graphic testimony of those cases showing improvement and cure at various stages.

Dr. M.javaid Khokar from Pakistan presented paper on Diabetes Mellitus, Dr.Kocabech from Turkey presented his paper on Holistic Medicine, Dr.Sleve Abdullah presented paper on Skin diseases. Dr. Siti Aiashah presented paper on Aloe Vera therapy and Dr.Zaphir Lembang presented paper on Yumeiho the super therapy and gave the demonstration also.

Delegates were from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia and Australia.

The AHML President Dr.Seth, Dr. Nik Fairuz, Chairman & Dr. Mohd. Nasir Zain of Malaysia informed about the next International Conference would be held in Australia.

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In aglittering function hosted by the Prime Time Research Media Pvt. Ltd.

At Hotel Ashok on Sunday 11th August, AKGsOVIHAMS

(Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy& Allied Medical Sciences) has won the prestigious Global Health Care Excellence Award for the Best Homoeopathic Centre in Delhi. Founder-Director of AKGsOVIHAMS, Prof. Dr. A.K. Gupta, Founder Director received the award along with his son Dr. Sanket Gupta. On being asked about the occasion and his centre, a very happy Dr. A. K. Gupta told the media persons “AKGsOVIHAMS was started in 1999 with an aim and vision to provide health for all through Homoeopathy. I am glad to say, one and all have benefitted from the centre and I am really thankful to the Prime Time for recognizing our selfless efforts.” Dr. Gupta said that apart from the regular medical problems we through Homoeopathy are dealing with some Rare and so called Incurable disease also with very encouraging results and providing Homoeopathic treatment to patients not only in India but to patients from all over the world.

Dr. Sanket Gupta added about the various researches being carried out at AKGsOVIHAMS especially in incurable diseases like Motor Neuron Diseases (MND) and Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). He said Homoeopathy has been able to show remarkable results in these dreadful diseases.

The Global Health Care Excellence Awards function was shining with the presence of stalwarts from the field of Medicine, Education and Economics. Chief Guests Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar – Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Dr. Girdhar Gyani – Director General of Association of Healthcare Providers (India), Dr. Ajay Kumar, Council Member – World Medical Association and Dr. Rakesh K. Gupta – Hny. Joint Secretary, Indian Medical Association presented awards to the winner at a function held last night at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi organized by Prime Time Research Media, New Delhi.

The Jury to select the winners constituted highly qualified and eminent personalities hailing from healthcare and was asked to base their decisions on strict mechanisms and criteria viz. excellence, quality, finesse, innovation, distinction and merit.

Specialist Doctors ,Surgeons ,Cardiologists, doctors from all systems of Medicine, Dentists, Dietician and Physiotherapist from all over India were awarded for their contributions to the respective fields.

Medical centres and institutions like AIIMS, Apollo Hospital ,AKGsOVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences) and Heart & Lung Institute of Delhi were adjudged the best medical centres in Delhi for their medical & healthcare services.

We are committed to take care of Health & Happiness with Homeopathy.

Welfare of patients is our sole Aim. H O M E O P A T H Y Homeopathy Ensures Health Safely. It Restores the Health without any Adverse Effects.Homeopathy Treats the patients in Holistic Manner.

It is Sweet & Gentle for Kids ,Youngsters and Elderly All can have Sweet Pills to eat and Sweet Behavior to Admire TREAT ALLERGIES WITH HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy helps people those who suffer from various kind of Allergies.

Allergy is the Hypersensitivity of the body to certain specific allergens. It can be Endogenous (Internal) and Exogenous (External).Allergy can manifest itself in the following manner :Respiratory symptoms like Sneezing, Cold, Cough and Breathlessness.

Skin- in the form of Itching, Rashes, Urticaria, Swelling, Redness etc.Gastric- In the form of Abdominal Pain, Diarrhoea, Vomitings etc.Musculo-Skeletal- Pains, Swelling, Cramps etc.

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We the children of “Bharat Mata” pray to “Mata Rani” for peace, prosperity, good health and success in our lives yet our society at large considers women as the weaker sex! Strange but unfortunately a reality in most of the Indian households and the “traditional” mindset. On one hand we pray to numerous goddesses for their blessings and when that goddess comes to us in the form of a baby girl, it is considered a misfortune and in some cases she does not even get the opportunity to see this beautiful world. Whether we call it our hypocrisy or the male dominance that has led to the prevalence of such notions in our society, fact is we all are equals irrespective of sex, caste, colour, religion and even sexual orientations. We are all humans above everything else.

They say women are the weaker sex as they cry very easily, cry more often, are sensitive and emotional, yet they forget that it is a woman who goes through the unbearable pain of delivering a child and not a man, it is a woman who forms a bond with the child even before he/she is born and not a man, a housewife works tirelessly 24*7 without any salary so that the other members of the family can function well and lead a healthy life but when it comes to respect or value attached to her “work profile” the “she’s a housewife!” nudge downplays all the efforts and sacrifices she makes.

It is a well-known fact that in the 21st century, a woman has done everything that supposedly only a man could do. And they’ve done it equally well if not better than males. Be it climbing the Everest, going to outer space, joining the armed forces, heading the government, or even driving a truck or bus; women have done it all and continue to do so. We don’t have to prove that women are equal to men or they are as good as men. The very act of proving this is an indication that somewhere we believe, and even agree to some extent, that men are superior to women. We all are equals and have the same potential or capacity to achieve what we want. What matters is our belief in ourselves and striking at the right opportunity, if the opportunity does not come then creating one for us.

The reason why we’ve titled this article as this is that on the occasion of International Women’s Day we want everyone to celebrate womanhood, and by everyone we mean even men. The notion of “Women as the weaker sex”needs to be replaced with “Women the WE-KAR sex”. It is a girl who unites two separate households after her marriage, it is She who adapts and balances her roles towards her own parents and her in-laws beautifully, it is She who brings a new life into this world and is the 1st point of contact for this new creature. A girl who is well-educated not only develops her own personality but fosters, nurtures and shapes the lives of people of two households after her marriage. Having said this, it is also important to remember that marriage is just one part of a girl’s life, if and when it happens. There is much more to women than just marriage or their roles and responsibilities which come along with that. Women are known to be resilient, patient and tolerant by nature which helps them achieve success, handle set-backs well, and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships.

Let us all celebrate womanhood with a feeling of love towards them, respect in our eyes, value in our mind, gratitude in our heart and a sense of WE-KAR, i.e. unity and belongingness in our being. Happy Women’s Day!

“Extremists have shown what frightens them most; a girl with a book”

– Malala Yousafza

By – Kaartik Gupta

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Interview of Prof.Dr.A.K.Gupta of AKGsOVIHAMS by FM 96.6 of Apna Radio of IIMC. Interviwed by Mr. Rajender Chugh. In the present scenario of prevalent cases of Chikunguniya & Dengue in Delhi. The situation is that almost every house has having a patient suffering with fever. Few deaths have also been reported. Patients with severe Joint Pains, Fever, Headaches, Rashes etc. are the main symptoms. Lot of patients are turning to Homoeopathy and Ayurveda for its treatment and Cure. As patients are not responding to usual Antipyretics and Pain killers. Antibiotics has no role in viral diseases. On the contrary painkillers etc. are causing more harm as it enhances the bleeding and leading into more complications. Homoeopathy has been found very effective in treating such cases. Patients with Joint pains of post Chikunguniya are being largely benefited with

Homoeopathy Though Prevention is better then cure. Homoeopathic medicines like Eupatorium Perf, Rhus Tox, Polyporus, Gels, Bryonia and Oscimum are found very effective. Though the remedy has to be selected on the individualisation of the case. Homoeopathy has been working as a preventive also. Patients & attendants should not panic, they must see the nearest qualified Registered Homoeopathic doctor if having any symptoms as discussed above. AKGsOVIHAMS has been treating such patients sucessfully. The monthly E-News letter of AKGsOVIHAMS is specially dedicated to Chikungunya for creating awareness. You can subscribe for Free Monthly E-Newsletter, visit www.ovihams.com for more.


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Interview of Prof. Dr.A.K.Gupta by Mr.M Shukla owner of i have no uc. who himself had Ulcertaive Colitis and was helped by Homeopathy at AKGsOVIHAMS clinics. Has discussed about the causes, symptoms,treatment and management for UC.

Testimonial of the patient. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va2I4yBbwiA&t=12s

How Homoeopathy helps and treat the patients of UC. What are the do’s and don’ts. Homoeopathy and AKGsOVIHAMS approach towards the patients and facilities for them. Homoeopathy has been curing such patients. Apart from treating serious diseases we are engaged in clinical research also for the Motor Neuron Disease(MND), Epidermolysis Bullosa(EB) & Behcet’s disease. Presented papers in International conferences also.

Testimony – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va2I4yBbwiA&t=12s

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Prof.Dr.A.K.Gupta conferred with prestigious Dr. Mahendra Singh Memorial Award from Dr. Ramjee Singh President Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) in the National Homoeopathic Seminar dedicated to Dr. D.P. Rastogi held at Greater Noida 3 & 4th September organized by Hannemann Educational & Development Society (India) for his exemplary contribution and upliftment of Homoeopathy.

Dr. A K Gupta, Founder Director AKGsOVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences) has been already decorated with many national and international awards for his services in Homoeopathy as Teacher, Physician and research activities in treating patients of rare diseases like MND, Behcets and Epidermolysis Bullosa from all over the world. Large number of doctors from all over India attended the seminar. Various papers presented in the seminar showcased the efficacy of Homoeopathy in treating difficult and rare diseases also. Papers were presented on Viral disease like Chikungunia, Ebola, HIV, Thyroid, Cancer, Skin etc.

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