
Paper presentation at AHML, 2017 held at Almaty, Kazakhstan

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) – Psychological & Homoeopathic Perspective Presented in XXth International Conference of AHML held at Almaty,Kazakhstan T heme “Homoeopathy Is Evidence Based Medicine”

The 26th Congress of the Asian Homoeopathic Medical League (AHML) was held in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan from 15-16th September, 2017. Over 150 delegates from countries like Russia,Pakistan,Ukraine,Germany,France,USA,India & Kazakhstan attended this event. The theme of the congress was “Homoeopathy is evidence based medicine”
Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta and Kaartik Gupta presented a paper titled “ADHD: A Psychological and Homoeopathic Perspective”. Kaartik Gupta, Clinical Psychologist at AKGsOVIHAMS
talked about the conditon of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), its probable
causes and the diagnostic criteria for identifying and diagnosing a child with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that is
characterised by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity that is problematic and affects the overall development of the child. It is one of the most common childhood problems with a worldwide prevalence of 5.29%.
ADHD mainly comprises of three features – inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
ADHD is NOT DUE to bad parenting!
Symptoms of Inattention
• Is unable to complete the task that he/she started with
• Does not listen to or respond at once
• Seems to be in his/her own world at times
• Makes silly/careless mistakes like reading the question wrong or misreading the symbols
• Is unable to follow 2-3 instructions together
• Needs to be told the same thing repeatedly
• Does not pay attention to details
• Is easily distracted
• Is forgetful in daily activities
• Does not like tasks that require sustained attention
Symptoms of Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
• Fidgets with hands or legs
• Is unable to sit at a place for long; gets up from seat even when he/she is required to be seated
• Is always “on the go”
• Cannot play quietly
• Finds it difficult to wait for his/her turn
• Speaks or answers even before the question is completed
• Talks excessively
• Interrupts or intrudes on others
• Appears disorganised or mess
Kaartik Gupta stressed on the role of behaviour therapy in the treatment of ADHD, suggested techniques for enhancing the attention span of the child with ADHD, and cleared a commonly held myth clarifying that ADHD is NOT CAUSED due to bad parenting. He paid special emphasis on the role of parents and teachers in the treatment process, and also suggested some useful techniques for improving the attention span of the child which would in turn help in the overall better management of the child.
Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta shared 2 such cases of ADHD that he had seen and treated at his AKGsOVIHAMS clinic through homoeopathic medicines. He emphasised on the importance of considering the individual differences and adopting a holistic approach even when treating ADHD as no two individuals with ADHD can be the same.
The theme of the Congress was – “Homoeopathy is evidence base medicine”. Around 30 speakers presented their scientific papers related to the role of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of various illnesses/diseases.
Dr Buyakova; Dr Girish Gupta ; Dr A Kanan; Dr.Gaurang Gupta; Dr.S T Husse in; Dr Mkhitaryan; Radomskaya ;Prof. DrA.K.Gupta & Kaartik Gupta; Dr.Vatsala Kasana; Dr. Bakina; Dr Beloblovskiy; Dr. Prokusheva; Dr. Rajesh & Dr.Sapna Gupta; Dr.S.Paugh; Dr. Zamarenov; Dr.Neelanjana basu; Dr Novokreschenova ; Dr. Yaroslavtsev; Dr.Shruti Shah; Dr.Anvesha Dutta; Dr. Nandani Sharma; Dr. Kamal & Dr. Rupali Jindal; Dr. Ramesh Chandra were the speakers Dr. Prof.A.K.Seth & Dr. Hussein had Master – Class.
Key aspects of homeopathy as evidence based medicine
In vitro evaluation of forbidden items on efficacy of homeopathic medicine
Clinical practice based on evidence
Role of mind in genesis & homeopathic treatment of somatic diseases
Investigation of 30 cases of cancer with successful treatment of CM & LM potencies
Essential contribution of electropuncture diagnostics & bioresonance therapy
Practice of sense of homeosinergia laws of synergy in work of doctor homeopath
ADHD – Psychological & Homoeopathic Perspective
Assesment of pathological changes in cases of COPD after homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic approach in case taking for children who can’t speak about themselves
Influence of homeopathy to animals
Analysis as a component of treatment in homeopathy
Treatment of Algodysmenorrhea
Homeopathic approach in PCOS & Advanced cases of Thromboangitis
Homoeopathy – Medicine, Art , Magic ?
Clinical analysis of Rhus Tox
Delphinium Staphysagria
Multifunctional Computer technologies
Venereal Cancer Transmission
Homoeopathy in Sports Injuries
Psychological approaches to homeopathic treatment of cattle & Safe delivery
Happiness & Prosperity with Yoga & Homoeopathy
Film demonstration were by Boiron (France); HEEL (Germany); Pulsehemoindication by Tsvetkov ( Russia)
During the inauguration Congress got Greetings from Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan Dr.Sadykova A.B, AHML President Dr.A.K.Seth, Dr Zamarenov N.A, Dr.Zyukina Ye.Gfrom the World Foundation of the SCO- countries of Division ‘Silk Road’- Shaykh K.A.,from University of KazMUNO, Pof. Chemeris A.V and President of Society of Orthodox Kazakh Doctors- Archpriest A. Izmirov.
The conference was a great success as it recognised and encouraged the professionals to document their cases and provide enough evidences to prove the efficiency of Homoeopathic system of medicine in the treatment of various physical and psychological illnesses.
Dr. Nikolay felicitated Executive officials & Speakers. The next conference is likely to be held either in Sri Lanka or Ukraine.

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