Coronavirus – Havoc or Hype

Today Corona Virus has become the headline News when around 179 deaths are reported in China. One case has been found Positive and confirmed in Kerala of a Medical student who came from Wuhan City of China.
Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common among animals. In rare cases, they can be transmitted from animals to humans.This year it’s named as Wuhan Corona virus, as starting from Wuhan City in China. MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) virus, was first reported in the Middle East in 2012. Three to four out of every 10 patients infected with MERS died.
• Mild to moderate upper respiratory tract symptoms like common cold, runny nose, cough, sore throat.
• Headache and maybe a fever, which can last for a couple of days.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, also known as SARS, is the other coronavirus that can cause more severe symptoms (Pneumonia, Shortness of breath). In pregnant women, the more severe versions of MERS and SARS coronaviruses can be serious. SARS-associated illnesses were linked to cases of spontaneous abortion, maternal death and critical maternal illness.
Causes more severe disease in older people.
Viruses can spread from human contact with animals.
When it comes to human-to-human transmission of the viruses, contact with the infected person’s secretions. Caregivers can sometimes be exposed by handling a patient’s waste.
• There is no specific treatment. Most of the time, symptoms will go away on their own.
• Drink plenty of fluids, get rest and sleep as much as possible.
• Symptomatic treatment.
“Patients became infected after their relatives travelled to Wuhan (the source of the outbreak) and became infected,” Zhong said.
Officials in China are racing to contain a deadly new strain of virus that has infected more than 1,000 people and left more than three dozen dead. Chinese officials have blocked all transportation in and out of the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak of the “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV” originated. At least 12 nearby cities were facing similar lockdowns on Friday, the day before China’s Lunar New Year is celebrated.
Two cases have been confirmed in the United States. U.S. health officials confirmed the first case on Tuesday, involving a man in his 30s who had recently travelled from Wuhan, China, to Seattle. The second case was confirmed Friday in a woman in her 60s in Chicago, who had also recently travelled from Wuhan. The latest death, confirmed on Tuesday, was that of an 89-year-old man who was hospitalized on January 17. The expert added that several health workers had also been infected. However, Zhong said it only took two weeks to identify the new virus and that a situation such as the one that occurred during 2003’s Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic was unlikely. SARS caused 813 deaths worldwide, 646 of which were in China.
The number of confirmed infections on Tuesday morning in China was down to 198, after 25 patients recovered. Thirty-five are in serious condition, while nine are critical. Two other cases have also been confirmed in Thailand, one in South Korea and one in Japan. Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday that he expected the virus to be contained “with determination”, while Prime Minister Li Keqiang announced the creation of a group dedicated to fighting the illness.
What is Coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are types of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tract of mammals, including humans. They are associated with the common cold, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and can also affect the gut.
A coronavirus was first isolated in 1937 from an infectious bronchitis virus in birds that has the ability to seriously devastate poultry stocks. These viruses are responsible for between 15 and 30 percent of common colds. Over the last 70 years, scientists have found that coronaviruses can infect mice, rats, dogs, cats, turkeys, horses, pigs, and cattle.
This article will focus on the different types of human coronaviruses, their symptoms, how they are transmitted, and two particularly dangerous diseases that can be caused by coronaviruses: SARS and MERS.
Fast facts on coronaviruses
• There is no cure for the common cold in convention treatment.
• A coronavirus causes both SARS and MERS.
• Coronaviruses infect many different species.
• There are six known human coronaviruses.
• SARS spread from China to cause infection in 37 countries, killing 774
What are coronaviruses?
Human coronaviruses (HCoV) were first identified in the 1960s in the noses of patients with the common cold. Two human coronaviruses are responsible for a large proportion of common colds OC43 and 229E. Coronaviruses were given their name based on the crown-like projections on their surfaces. Corona; in Latin means halo or crown. Among humans, infection most often occurs during the winter months as well as early spring. It is not uncommon for a person to become ill with a cold that is caused by a coronavirus and then catch it again about four months later. This is because coronavirus antibodies do not last for a very long time. Also, the antibodies for one strain of coronavirus may be useless against other strains.
Cold- or flu-like symptoms usually set in from two to four days after coronavirus infection, and they are typically mild.
Symptoms include:
• Sneezing
• Runny nose
• Fatigue
• Cough
• In rare cases, Fever
• Sore throat
• Exacerbated asthma
Human coronaviruses cannot be cultivated in the laboratory easily, unlike the rhinovirus, another cause of the common cold. There is no cure, so treatments include taking care of yourself and over-the-counter (OTC) medication:
• Rest and avoid overexertion.
• Drink enough water.
• Avoid smoking and smoky areas.
• Use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer.
The virus responsible can be diagnosed by taking a sample of respiratory fluids, such as mucus from the nose, or blood.
Contagious diseases can spread through coughing without covering the mouth. There has not been a great deal of research on how a human coronavirus spreads from one person to the next. However, it is believed that the viruses transmit using secreted fluid from the respiratory system. Coronaviruses can spread in the following ways:
• Coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth can disperse droplets
into the air, spreading the virus.
• Touching or shaking hands with a person that has the virus can pass the
virus from one person to another.
• Making contact with a surface or object that has the virus and then touching
your nose, eyes, or mouth.
• On rare occasions, a coronavirus may spread through contact with faeces.
To prevent transmission, be sure to stay at home and rest while experiencing symptoms and avoid close contact with other people. Covering the mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing can also help prevent the spread of a coronavirus. Be sure to dispose of any used tissues and maintain hygiene around the home.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was a contagious disease caused by the SARS-CoV coronavirus. It typically led to a life-threatening form of pneumonia. SARS-CoV is unique. It can infect both the upper and lower respiratory tract and can also cause gastroenteritis. The symptoms of SARS develop over the course of a week and start with a fever. Early on in the condition, people develop flu-like symptoms, such as:
• Dry coughing
• Chills
• Diarrhoea
• Breathlessness
• Aches
Pneumonia, a severe lung infection, may develop afterward. At its most advanced stage, SARS causes failure of the lungs, heart, or liver.
AYUSH Ministry advisory about corona
At the insistance of Ministry of AYUSH, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy(CCRH) discussed the ways and means of prevention of Coronavirus infection through Homoeopathy in 64th meeting of its Scientific Advisory Board on 28th January 2020. The Group of Experts inter-alia has recommended that homoeopathy medicine Arsenicum album30 could be taken as prophylactic medicine against Coronavirus infections, which has also been advised for prevention of ILI. It has recommended one doze of Arsenicum album 30, daily in empty stomach for three days. The dose should be repeated after one month by following the same schedule in case Coronavirus infections prevail in the community. The Expert Group has further suggested that general hygienic measures for prevention of air-borne infections suggested by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, for prevention of the disease should also be followed by the public.
Corona virus – Havoc or Hype ?
It’s important to have better Immunity to fight out such kind of infections. So all efforts should be made to boost the immunity which is being done by Homoeopathy and following a healthy life style. There is no need to panic, take precautions and if needed get it treated. The remedy for the patient is worked out according to the Individual Patients Symptoms and his/her constitution.
Homoeopathy Ensures Health Safely.
Dr.A.K.Gupta,MD (Hom.)
Homoeopathic Consultant
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