Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety spectrum disorder which is chiefly characterised by the occurrence of unwanted and intrusive (interfering) obsessive thoughts or distressing images usually accompanied by compulsive behaviours performed to neutralize the obsessive thoughts or images or to prevent some dreaded event or situation.
DOS | DON’Ts |
Another important point worth noting is that guilt is the best friend of OCD; whenever there is guilt attached to obsessions, it will exacerbate the problem. Hence, it is important for the person to understand that simply having an obsessive thought (for instance – sexual images) is not equivalent to having actually done that in reality. We all experience such unpleasant or unwanted thoughts, impulses or images almost everyday and so there is nothing abnormal in it. It is just a thought and has no relevance till the time we attach some meaning to it or in case of OCD, there is anxiety due to the increased sense of responsibility. OCD can be an extremely debilitating and distressful illness for the person suffering from it as it hampers the functioning in various aspects. But there is hope as it is definitely a treatable illness with a combination of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions. Homoepathic medicines are very efficient in treating OCD in combination with psychotherapy.