Manage diabetes with homoeopathy

Change your Lifestyle Before Diabetes Changes you
Change Your Lifestyle Before Daibetes Changes You Homoeopathy & Exercise Can Add Years To Life of Diabetics Experts at HMAI Delhi CME
In continuation of ongoing series of Endocrinology and Homoeopathty of the Homoeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI), Delhi State held the latest CME on Diabetes and Homoeopathic Approach amongst the large gathering of Homoeopathic doctors at Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital.
Dr.A.K. Gupta, President HMAI Delhi introduced noted Diabetologist , Guinness Book of World Record holder ,Chairman Delhi Diabetes Research Centre , Dr.A.K.Jhingan , Dr. Rahul Tiwari, Homoeopathic Consultant & Dr.Saurav Arora,Founder Initiative to Promote Research in Homoeopathy as speakers for the deliberations on Diabetes & Homoeopathy.
Diabetes is prevalent disease. India has nearly 67 million diabetic patients . Diabetes is a disorder in the utilization of nutrients due to lack of Insulin which results in raised Glucose levels and may lead to vascular complications in long run like Heart disease, Stroke , Blindness, Kidney failure & Gangrene, etc. World over, India ranks 2nd in number of people with diabetes said Dr. Gupta, Founder Director AKGsOVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences). He informed that Diabetes is a disease which can be tackled effectively by creating Awareness, Modification in Lifestyle, Proper Dietry Regulation, Management , Exercise and off course medication. He emphasised that it has been seen that Patients those who were on Anti diabetic treatment for many years and now not responding to the treatment and change for more potent or combination of medicines are required at that stage patients started homoeopathic treatment and after some time they started responding to same old milder medication.
Estimated global prevalence of diabetes – In year 2000 it was 151 Million , in 2014 it was 387 Million and in 2035 it is expected to be 592 Million
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) -21.4%
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)- 6.3%
Retinopathy – 17.6%
Nephropathy – 2.2%
Neuropathy – 26.1%
Dr.Jhingan described that diabetes mellitus is of Type I & Type II .
Type 1 diabetes results from the body’s failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin. The symptoms are Frequent urination, Unusual Thirst, Excessive Hunger ,Unusual weight Loss and Extreme Fatigue and Irritability.
Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with an absolute insulin deficiency. Patients have the Symptoms as Frequent Infections ,Blurred Vision, Cuts/bruises that are Slow to Heal, Tingling/Numbness in the hands/feet , Recurring Skin, Gum, or Bladder infections.
Type 2 diabetes management involves:
Glycemic control , Lipid management, Blood pressure control, Weight management
and Management of other cardiovascular risks
For Prevention of Diabetes Lifestyle Modifications are Recommended eg .Weight loss
Regular physical activity & Dietary changes to promote weight loss
– More fiber, fruits, and vegetables , – Less “processed” food ,- Smaller portions , – Fewer high-caloric/high-dense foods.
• How can you reduce your risk? Get physically active
• Healthy eating
• Weight management
• Adopt healthy habits
• Regular check-ups
• Manage Stress
Lose weight Gain life . Eat Right And Exercise
If overweight, losing 5-10% of body weight can reduce risks for Type 2 diabetes
Safely lose weight with: Healthy eating & Physical activity
Adopt healthy habits
• No tobacco
• Get plenty of sleep
• Limit Alcohol intake
Regular Check-ups
• See your doctor at least once a year for a complete check-up
• Age/gender appropriate screenings
• Regular Dental & Eye Check ups
Manage stress
Take time to relax
Pace yourself and your activities
Get enough sleep
Make time for fun
Regular physical activity
Yoga & Meditation
• While yoga cannot cure diabetes, it can complement the life style changes necessary to keep diabetic symptoms in check.
• It makes you feel more in control of your health and well being.
• Yoga exercises gently tone up and shape the body, improve posture and flexibility.
Most yoga exercises have a preformed effect on improving blood circulation, especially to extremities.
• A yoga exercise helps keep the blood vessels elastic and when combined with relaxation training, reduces high blood pressure.
• By releasing muscle tension and teaching you how to relax at will, yoga relaxation techniques help reduce the harmful effects of physical and mental stress.
• Daily practice of meditation shows you a quiet, restful, stable part of yourself that supports everything you do.
Yoga also teaches us how to draw on these inner resources for the strength and health.
Hypoglycemia –
When the Blood sugar level goes Lower than the minimal normal range.
It can be a dangerous condition . Which can happen in people with diabetes who take medicines that increases Insulin levels in the body. Taking to much medication , skipping meals eating less than normal , or exercising more than usual can lead to low blood sugar for these individuals.when Sugar level goes down to 30-40.
Symptoms – Blurred vision, Rapid Heartbeat, Sudden Nervousness, Profound unexplained weakness, Dizziness, sweating ,Unconsciousness, Seizure or coma.
Rule of 15 – Give 15 gms of easily digestible carbohydrates eg . 1 tablespoon of Honey.
Diabetes “ABCs”
A for A1C Test
B for Blood Pressure
C for Cholesterol
Helping patients manage their “ABCs” will help lower their risk of having a heart attack, a stroke, or other complications
(eye disease, kidney disease, nerve damage)
Dr. Rahul Tewari gave an overview of the effect of Homoeopathic Medicine with multidimensional approach to Diabetic patients with various symptomatology . Homoeopathic Medicines like Acid Phos , Acetic Acidhas the marked indication of dehydration & Thirstlessness. Abies Candensis in the cases with increased appetite with tendency to eat beyond the capacity of abdomen. Syzygium Jambulosum for Frequent Urination. For fatigue etc. Cinchona Officinalis, Alfa Alfa has been found very effective. Avena Sativa , Gentian Lutae with the indication of Weight loss . Patient with Frequent infections can be helped with Echinacea and Hydrastis. Another common problem of diabetics is Erectile Dysfunction or Impotency where Homoeopathic medicines like Damiana, Ginseng etc. with their indications has been found very effective . Diabetic patients may have Psora , Syphillis and Sycosis all three Miasms and are being treated with corresponding remedies selected on Miasmatic predominance.
1. Dehydration and thirstlessnes Dehydration & Thirstlessnes • Almost all acid drugs useful in diabetes cover this indication. Acidum aceticum, Acidum carbolicum, Acidum lacticum and Acidum phosphoricum are most useful in acid group. Other drugs include Arsenicum album, Bovista, Bryonia, Calcarea carbonica, Chionanthus, Cinchona officinalis, Curare 3C and 6C, Helonias 6x or 6C, Helleborus, Lycopodium, Uranium nitricum 4x
2. Increased appetite Abies canadensis helps when increased appetite associated with the tendency to eat beyond the capacity of abdomen. Drugs like Abrotanum, Acidum aceticum, Abies canadensis, Iodium, Natrum muriaticum, Uranium nitricum 4x can also be useful. • Ammon Carb and Colocynth
3. Frequent urination Acidum aceticum, Acidum lacticum, Acidum phosphoricum, Alfalfa, Equisetum hymale, Helonias, Rhus aromatica Q, Strophanthus, Syzygium jambolanum Q/1x, Uranium nitricum 4x. • Acidum Phos- Frequency more at night • Acid Aceticum- Copius Urination. • Prunus Spinosa Q – With heart trouble.
4. Fatigue Abelmoschus, Absinthium, Acidum phosphoricum, Anisum, Ailanthus glandulosus, Alfalfa Q, Angelica archangelica, Apium graveolens, Avena sativa Q, Bacopa monnieri, Cannabis sativa, Chionanthus virginica, Cinchona officinalis, Ginkgo biloba Q/1x, Ginseng Q/1x, Nuphar lutea and Withania somnifera Q • Medicines shown best result- Acidum Aceticum, Acidum Phos, Curare, Acidum Lacticum, Helonias Q Weakness and Fatigue associated with diabetes • Combined Synthesis – Mentals DULLNESS, DIABETES, IN (3) 2 helon, 2 op, 1 sul-ac • Combined Synthesis – Mentals IRRITABILITY, DIABETES, IN (2) 2 helon, 2 lycps • Combined Synthesis – Generals WEAKNESS, DIABETES MELLITUS IN (3) 2 arg-m, 2 ars, 2 lac-ac • Boericke – Urinary System DIABETES, NERVOUS ORIGIN (5) 2 ars, 2 aur-m, 2 calc, 3 IGN, 3 PH-AC • Boericke – Urinary System DIABETES, WITH DEBILITY (2) 2 acet-ac, 2 op • Boericke – Urinary System DIABETES, WITH RAPID COURSE (2) 2 cur, 2 morph • Murphy – Constitution WEAK, constitutions, diabetes mellitus, in (7) 2 arg-m, 2 ars, 1 carc, 1 coca, 2 lac-ac, 3 PHAC, 3 PHOS • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus debility, with (4) 1 acet-ac, 1 carc, 1 op, 2 ph-ac • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus motor paralysis, with (2) 1 cur, 1 phos • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus nervous origin (6) 1 ars, 1 aur-m, 1 calc, 2 ign, 2 ph-ac, 3 PHOS • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus pancreatic origin (2) 1 iris, 1 phos • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus rapid course, with (2) 1 cur, 1 morph • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus weakness, in (7) 2 arg-m, 2 ars, 1 carc, 1 coca, 2 lac-ac, 3 PH-AC, 3 PHOS • Murphy – Fever TYPHOID, fever diabetes (1) 1 sul-ac • Murphy – Generals WEAKNESS, diabetes mellitus, in (7) 2 arg-m, 2 ars, 1 carc, 1 coca, 2 lac-ac, 3 PH-AC, 3 PHOS • Complete – Generals WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity diabetes mellitus, in (3) 2 arg, 2 ars, 2 lac-ac
5. Weight loss Avena sativa is a good tonic for debility and general fatigue. Other drugs like Acidum phosphoricum, Anacardium orientale, Cinchona officinalis and Gentiana lutea may also be useful
6. Frequent infection. Many drugs are useful to increase resistance against pathogens. Such drugs including Echinacea angustifolia 1x, Ginseng 1x, Hydrastis Canadensis 1x-3x, Thuja occidentalis 6 and higher, Withania somnifera Q and others along with hygienic measures would help preventing frequent infections. Boericke – Urinary System DIABETES, WITH GANGRENE, BOILS, CARBUNCLES (1) 2 ars • Boericke – Urinary System DIABETES, WITH GOUTY SYMPTOMS (2) 3 LAC-AC, 3 NAT-S • Boericke – Urinary System DIABETES, WITH MOTOR PARALYSIS (1) 2 cur • Phatak – Phatak ANKLES, SWELLING, DIABETES IN (1) 1 arg-m • Phatak – Phatak DIABETES, BOILS SUCCESSIVE WITH (1) 1 nat-p • Phatak – Phatak DIABETES, LUNG AFFECTION WITH (1) 1 calc-p • Phatak – Phatak ITCHING, DIABETES IN (1) 1 mang • Phatak – Phatak TEETH, DECAY CARIES HOLLOW, DIABETES, IN (1) 1 sul-ac • Phatak – Phatak GANGRENE, DIABETIC (3) 1 con, 1 lach, 1 solid • Phatak – Phatak RETINA, INFLAMMATION DIABETIC (1) 1 sec Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus gangrene, boils, carbuncles and diarrhea, with (1) 1 ars • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus gastro-hepatic origin (13) 1 ars, 2 ars-i, 1 bry, 1 calc, 1 cham, 1 chel, 1 kreos, 2 lac-ac, 1 lept, 1 lyc, 2 nux-v, 2 phos, 2 uran-n • Murphy – Diseases DIABETES mellitus gouty symptoms, with (2) 2 lac-ac, 2 nat-s • Murphy – Fever TYPHOID, fever diabetes (1) 1 sul-ac • Murphy – Joints ACHING, pain diabetes, in (1) 1 rat • Murphy – Kidneys WEAK, kidneys diabetes, with (1) 1 phos • Murphy – Liver ENLARGED diabetes, in (1) 2 nat-s • Murphy – Liver SHARP, pain diabetes, in (1) 1 sul-ac • Murphy – Liver TENDER, diabetes mellitus, in (1) 1 kali-br • Murphy – Skin ITCHING diabetes, in (1) 1 mang • Murphy – Diseases RETINITIS, eyes, retina diabetic (3) 1 crot-h, 1 phos, 1 sec • Murphy – Eye RETINITIS, diabetic (3) 1 crot-h, 1 phos, 1 sec • Murphy – Female MENSES, suppressed, diabetic attack, during (1) 1 uran-n • Murphy – Limbs GANGRENE diabetic (5) 1 carb-ac, 1 con, 1 lach, 1 sec, 1 solid Complete – Teeth CARIES, decayed, hollow General diabetes, in (1) 1 sul-ac • Complete – Extremity Pain LOCALIZATION Joints gouty diabetes, with (1) 1 phase • Complete – Skin ITCHING diabetes, in (1) 1 mang • Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus boils, successive, with (1) 1 nat-p • Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus hepatic (1) 1 uran-n • Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus heat, with prickly (1) 1 syzyg • Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus lung complaints, with (1) 1 calc-p • Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus rheumatic (2) 1 lac-ac, 1 nat-l • Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus rheumatic pain, with (1) 1 lac-ac • Complete – Eye INFLAMMATION retina diabetic (1) 1 sec • Complete – Female Sexual MENSES suppressed diabetic attack, during (1) 1 uran-n • Complete – Extremities GANGRENE diabetic (5) 1 ars, 1 carb-ac, 1 con, 1 lach, 1 solid • Complete – Skin GANGRENE, from burns or gangrenous sores diabetic (8) 2 ars, 1 carb-ac, 1 con, 2 kreos, 1 kres, 1 lach, 2 sec, 1 solid • Complete – Skin ULCERS diabetic (1) 1 syzyg • Boehenhousen – Teeth AGGRAVATION: COUGH: DIABETES IN: (1) 1 sec
7. Pains some individuals of diabetic neuropathy may experience shooting pains in hands, arms, feet and legs. These pains are often worse at night, making it difficult for affected people to have quality sleep. Acetanilidum 3x, Belladonna 3x, Cannabis sativa, Cassia fistula, Eschscholtzia californica Q, Eugenia caryophyllus 1x-3x, Hypericum perforatum 1x, Lupulus Q, Passiflora incarnata 1x-3x and Zincum metallicum 6x are helpful in reducing the pain and induce the sleep. Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus rheumatic (2) 1 lac-ac, 1 nat-Sul • Complete – Generals DIABETES mellitus rheumatic pain, with (1) 1 lac-ac • Murphy – Kidneys SORE, pain diabetes, in (1) 1 rat
8. Erectile dysfunction Drugs like Acidum phosphoricum, Damiana Q, Ginseng Q, Agnus castus 3x, Nuphar luteum 3x and Muira puama Q are useful Murphy – Male Sexual incomplete diabetes, with (3) 1 coca, 1 mosch, 1 ph-ac • Murphy-Male SexualIMPOTENCY,male diabetes, with (4)1 coca, 2 helon, 1 mosch, 1 ph-ac • Murphy – Male Sexual SEXUAL, desire, decreased diabetes, in (2) 1 coca, 2 cupr
9. Diabetic Eye Homoeopathic drugs are used to manage these problems. Eye drops like Cineraria maritima made from succus can also be used regularly to keep the eyes healthy and prevent or postpone such problems. Belladonna, Cyclamen, Euphrasia, Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Natrum muriaticum and Staphysagria may be useful.
10. Diabetic heart Some homoeopathic drugs that are helpful in diabetic heart. Arnica montana 3x and higher is indicated for cardiac dropsy with dyspnoea, angina pectoris, feeble and irregular pulse, and cardiac asthma. Aurum muriaticum 3x-6x is useful in arteriosclerosis, valvular lesions and hypertension. Crataegus oxyacantha Q acts on heart muscle as a heart tonic. It lowers the pulse, air hunger, and reduces blood pressure. It is said to have solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries. Convallaria majalis Q is a heart remedy, which increases the heart’s action and renders it more regular. Prunus spinosa Q is indicated for tachycardia which is exacerbated with the slightest motion, dyspnoea, feeling of oppression of the chest and angina pectoris. It is also used to treat problems of urination. Other drugs include Adonis vernalis Q, Acorus calamus, Alstonia constricta, Aurum muriaticum natronatum 3x & 6x, Boerhaavia diffusa Q, Cactus grandiflorus Q, Ignatia amara 3x-6, Laurocerasus 3x, Lobelia inflate 3x, Rauvolfia 1x, Secale cornutum 3x-6, Spartium, Valeriana officinalis, Veratrum album and Viscum album Murphy – Pulse FAST, pulse diabetes, in, 90, relieved (1) 1 uran-n • Murphy – Pulse SLOW, pulse diabetes, in (1) 2 op • Murphy – Pulse SMALL, pulse diabetes, in (1) 1 uran-n • Murphy – Pulse WEAK, pulse diabetes mellitus, in (1) 1 kali-br • Phatak – Phatak DIABETES, CHILDREN IN (1) 1 crat (
11. Common medicines, not commonly known for diabetes • Aegale Folia • Allium Cepa • Allium Sativum • Azardiracta Indica • Caesalpinia bonducella • Syzygium jambolatum • Ocimum Sanctum • Pterocarpus marsupium or Kino • Tinosporia Cordifolia
12. Frequently used other drugs in low potencies for diabetes mellitus Acidum Aceticum • Acidum Carbolicum • Acidum Lacticum • Acidum Phosphoricum • Ceanothus • Chionanthus • Curare • Helonias • Insulinum • Lithium Carbonicum • Pancreatinum • Uranium Nitricum
13. Miasmatic and constitutional drugs
Miasmatic & Constitutional Drugs • Argentum Nitricum: Trimiasmatic • Arnica Montana: Tubercular • Arsenicum Album : Trimiasmatic • Belladona: Psoric and Tubercular Miasam • Bryonia Alba: Sycotic • Calcarea Carbonica: Trimiasmatic
• Causticum: Syphilitic • Kreosotum: Syphilitic • Lachesis: Sycotic & Tubercular • Lycopodium: Trimiasmatic • Medorrhinum: Sycotic • Natrum Sulphuricum: Sycotic
Nux Vomica- Psoric • Opium- Psoric • Phosphorus- Trimiasmatic • Sepia- Sycotic • Silecea- Sycotic • Sulphur- Psoric • Thuja Occidentalis- Sycotic
Dr.A.K. Gupta President HMAI Delhi introduced the RESEARCH CAPSULE for the first time in CME and said that it would be a regular feature in future and apprise about the Research in Homoeopathy all around.
Dr.Saurav Arora, Founder Initiative to Promote Research in Homoeopathy threw light upon t the various research and studies conducted pertaining to Diabetes.
1. Effect of homoepathic preparation of syzygium jambolanum and cephalandra indica on gastrocnemius muscle of high fat and high fructose – induced type 2 diabetic rats. Homeopathic preparations of S. jambolanum and C. indica in mother tincture, 6c and 30c were used to examine the molecular mechanism of antidiabetic effects in the skeletal muscle of rats with high fat and fructose-induced type-2 diabetes mellitus. • After 30 days treatment, fasting blood glucose, serum insulin and insulin signaling molecules in the skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius) were measured • In the present study homeopathic preparations of S. jambolanum and C. indica, including ultramolecular dilutions exhibit antidiabetic effects, improving insulin action through activation of insulin signaling molecules in skeletal muscle of type-2 diabetic rats. Homeopathy 2013; 102(3): 160–71
2. Ameliorating effect of mother tincture of syzygium jambolanum on carbohydrates and lipid metabolic disorder in streptozotocin – induced diabetic rat: homoeopathic remedy. An attempt was made to investigate the remedial effect of Szygium jambolanum on carbohydrate and lipid metabolic disorders on streptozotocin induced diabetic rat. • S jambolanum significantly decreased fasting blood glucose levels and improved carbohydrate metabolic key enzyme activities in hepatic tissue i.e., hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphatase in diabetic rats. • Alongside, serum lipid profile biomarkers (TG, total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and HDL were significantly ameliorated in homeopathic drug supplemented diabetic animals. • The results of the present study indicate the promising role of homeopathy on induced diabetic, carbohydrate and lipid metabolic changes in mice. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 2013; 4(1): 68–73 Full Text Link:
3. Syzygium jambolanum and cephalandra indica homeopathic preparation inhibits albumin glycation and protect erythrocytes: an in vitro study. The study investigated the antiglycation potential of Syzygium jambolanum (Sj Q, 30c, 200c), Cephalandra indica (Ci ф, 30 c, 200c) in human erythrocytes. • Sj Q inhibited glycation, structural modifications except amino group protection. • Sj preparations showed notable reduction of glycation, structural modifications. • All homeopathic preparations showed significant erythrocyte protection. • Sj Q preparation exhibited antiglycation and cell protection ability. Homeopathy 2015; 104(3): 197–204
4. A prospective multi-centric open clinical trial of homeopathy in diabetic distal symmetry polyneuropathy A prospective, multi-centre, observational study where 247 patients were followed. Lyco, Phos and Sulph were most commonly used. This study suggests homeopathic medicines may be effective in managing the symptoms of diabetic polyneuropathy patients. Further studies should be controlled and include the Quality of life (QOL) assessment.
5. Observational study of homeopathic and conventional therapies in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. Complementary homeopathic therapy of diabetic neuropathy was feasible and promising effects in symptom scores and cost savings were observed.
6. Role of complementary medicine in type 1 DM in two swiss centres Insulin replacement is the only effective treatment of type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM). • In this study the author assessed by questionnaire that out of 342 patients with T1DM, 48 (14%; 13.4% adult, 18.5% paediatric; 20 male, 28 female) used complementary medicine (CM) in addition to their insulin therapy. • The purpose of the use of CM was to improve general well-being, ameliorate glucose homeostasis, reduce blood glucose levels as well as insulin doses, improve physical fitness, reduce the frequency of hypoglycaemia, and control appetite. • The modalities most frequently used are cinnamon, homeopathy, magnesium and special beverages (mainly teas). • Thus, good collaboration between health care professionals will allow optimal patient care. Praxis (Bern 1994). 2009 Sep 9;98(18):1001-5.
7. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with type 1 DM – prevalence, patterns of use and costs. A self-completed anonymous questionnaire was administered to parents of children with type 1 diabetes in four pediatric diabetes centers in Germany (Leipzig, Berlin, Stuttgart, and Bonn). • Two hundred and twenty eight (65.9%) of 346 families completed the survey. • Mean age of the diabetic patients was 11.9 +/- 3.8 yr. • The conclusion was that the use of CAM in children with type 1 diabetes is less common than that documented for adults. Parents using CAM do not question the need for insulin. When using CAM, improved well-being and quality of life are important considerations where CAM can have a role. Pediatr Diabetes. 2008 Jun;9(3 Pt 1):228-35.
Journal of Evidence Based Complimentary & Alternative Medicine 2156587215593656 first published on July 7 , 2015 273 diabetics and 355 non diabetic subjects were interview in this cross sectional survey. Lack of insulin, frequent urination, hypertension, and poor wound healing were identified most frequently as the cause, symptom, association, and complications. A total of 35.5% to 46.5% said that diabetes was preventable; 14.1% to 31.9% knew that diabetes was controllable rather than curable. Consumption of planned diet, avoiding sugar, and testing blood sugar were the most frequently identified components of healthy lifestyle, diabetic diet, and diagnostic domain.
While summing up Dr.A.K.Gupta, President HMAI Delhi & Director AKGsOVIHAMS said that Daibetes is a controllable disease. Patients are advised not self medicate with medications instead must be taken under the guidance of qualified homoeopathic doctor. All experts suggested Change Lifestyle Before Diabetes Changes you and integrated treatment with Homoeopathy and Exercise can add years to the lives of diabetics.
Dr.A.K.Gupta, MD(Hom.)
President HMAI Delhi
[email protected]
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