Health Anxiety and COVID
India is witnessing a sudden unprecedented surge in COVID 19 and is in a state of severe crisis. Each day the reported number of new infections and deaths are setting new records and is bringing forward the image of collapsed healthcare system of the country. While only a few months back, with the decreased number of cases, arrival of the vaccines, vaccination drive in the country and loosening of restrictions, people had slowly started to move forward to “normalcy”; this huge second wave has shattered the lives of many around us. Haunting news, images and videos of people crying over losing their loved ones, people struggling to get a bed in the hospital, shortage of oxygen, long queues outside the crematoriums and burial grounds, doctors pleading the public to stay home and maintain COVID appropriate behaviors flooded the Indian media and social media. The second wave has led to a stronger realization that the number reported in the newspapers and television everyday is not just a mere statistics, but someone’s parent, child or sibling.
These have certainly heightened the fear, anxiety, panic of the public by manifolds. People are not only scared about infecting themselves with the deadly virus, but are also extremely concerned with the health of their near and dear ones, especially about the health of the elderly. While people are becoming increasing alarmed about their Health status and familiarizing themselves with different medical terminologies, mental health professionals have indicated the significant surge in what is known as Health Anxiety or Illness Anxiety. It is a mental health condition referring to “excessive worries and obsessions related to a perceived threat to one’s health.”. While it is natural and justified to be anxious about one’s health during this point of time, but the COVID anxiety differs from Health anxiety in terms of the intensity of the anxiety. If left unattended, Health Anxiety may go severe with time, and may start affecting one’s functioning.