Free Psychological Camp

Free Psychological Camp for women held on International Women’s Day
On Women’s Day , Free Psychological Consultation given by Kaartik Gupta at AKGsOVIHAMS
International Women’s Day on 8th March 2017 was celebrated at J-158,Rajouri Garden Clinic where Free Psychological Consultation was given to all female patients by Kaartik Gupta, M.Phil (Cli. Psy.) Clinical Psychologist of AKGsOVIHAMS.
Kaartik Gupta said that in order to treat the patients who came for this camp, they would be entitled for discount in further sessions also to enable them to get fully benefitted & cured. He said that nowadays there is sharp increase in the cases of anxiety, depression, aggression etc. due to various socio – environmental factors. The ever increasing competitive life, over expectations, interpersonal relationship conflicts, over exposure to violence in movies etc. are all contributing factors. Youngsters are getting too ambitious today, losing the basic traditional values for the pseudo glamour of life.
Women though very active and capable of doing anything to everything also at times loose track in their own web of equality, liberation etc. said Kaartik Gupta visiting Clinical Psychologist at IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication), where he has been actively participating in various Radio-talks like how to handle the examination stress. In today’s scenario there is lot of unrest among people and slightest thing provokes them as there is element of intolerance and impatience increasing day by day. Proper Psychological Counselling is very effective in dealing with such kind of behaviours said Kaartik.
In pursuing the legacy of AKGsOVIHAMS Homoeopathic Clinics where Patient’s welfare is the sole aim, for which it had been awarded the Global Healthcare Excellence Award and has the name in Limca Book of Records also. Kaartik Gupta said that the patients of this camp would be able to have the further sessions also on the rebated minimal charges. AKGsOVIHAMS has been holding Free camps for needy patients and have held more than 150 camps for health and awareness.
For any Psychological problems like Anxiety, Fear/ Phobias, OCD, Depression, Bipolar disorder, Drug Addiction, Behavioural disorders, Panic disorder, Suicidal Thoughts, Anger etc. and Personality analysis, Clinical Assessment of children and adults, Kaartik Gupta can be consulted at all AKGsOVIHAMS Clinics, West Delhi at Rajouri Garden, South Delhi at Satya Niketan Moti Bagh and North Delhi at Pitam Pura.
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