Gall Stones / Cholelithiasis (Stones in Gall Bladder)

Gallstones are clumps of crystallized cholesterol or some pigments in the gallbladder. The condition is common (11% of population) and more commonly observed in females. (Medical dictum is: Its a disease of fat female of forty). Gallbladder is a small sac situated just under the liver and produces bile juice that is essential for proper digestion of fats.

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All the factors that form stone are present in the bile under normal circumstances; however, they are in a dissolved state. If there is increase in concentration of cholesterol or pigments, they crystallize and precipitate out as stones. Factors such as increasing age, pregnancy, obesity, liver disorders, infections can have impact on development of gallstones. Some studies suggest that genetics and heredity factors are at the root of this condition that makes one prone to have gallstones.

Many patients having gallstones may not have any complaint. However, some may experience Colicky Pain in the upper abdomen radiating to the back. The pain may last up to 2-6 hours and usually associated with vomiting.

Normally it is considered to be a surgical condition, but homeopathy has very good results in treating such patients, and depending on the case all patients of Gall stones need not to undergo Surgery.

Homeopathic treatment: When the stones are of smaller size, homeopathy medicines will help in the dissolution of stones and passage of the stone. Homeopathy medicines are effective in alleviating pain associated with the condition. It the stones are bigger, multiple, and impacted, it may require surgical intervention. But even after surgical removal of stones, homeopathy still has a role to play in preventing its recurrence (as the chance of having recurring stones are about 50%).

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