Integrated Approach in Medicine – Need Of The Time
In the recently held 2 days Conference at Vigyan Bhawan organised by the Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) and Ministry of AYUSH during the World Homoeopathy Day celebrations had the theme as Homoeopathy- Roadmap in Integrative Medicine highlighted the necessity of Integration of Medicines for the better Health Care which was inaugurated by the hon’ble minister Sh. Shripad Nayak Ji virtualy.
Dr.A.K.Gupta, Founder Director AKGsOVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences) also presented a paper and shared his views titled “Integrated Approach in Medicine – Need of the Time”. In today’s scenario when the entire world is facing the disastrous effects of Corona and havoc of Covid -19 . No conventional treatment proved effective despite repeated changes and modifications in the Protocols suggested by WHO. At this very juncture Traditional or Alternative medicines were found to be of help in treating and building up the Immunity of people. With new emerging diseases and health problems, world has started looking around for other system of medicines other than conventional medicine called Allopathy alone.
Around 700 delegates attended the conference by Physical and Virtual manner.
Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha Secretary, Special Scry Sh. P.K.Patnaik, Jt. Secy. Roshan Jaggi, and Advisor (Homoeopathy) Dr. Sangeeta Duggal Ministry of AYUSH along with Padamshree Dr. V.K.Gupta, Chairman Scientific Advisory Board CCRH, Dr. R.K. Manchanda, Dirctor AYUSH Delhi and Dr.Anil Khurana DG CCRH were present during the inauguration of World Homoeopathy Day Conference on the occasion of 266th Birth anniversary celebration of Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, founder of Homoeopathy on 10th April. Hon’ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India Dr. Harshvardhan also sent a Video message .
All systems of medicines have something to offer and are effective. All systems are backed by various scientific theories and principles and are useful to the mankind in some way or the other. But no medical system is complete in itself. All systems have certain limitations too. Understanding of this fact is essential by entire medical fraternity. Unfortunately due to lack of knowledge about other medical systems and Non Willingness to appreciate or Ego hassle has been dissuading doctors of conventional medicine to see beyond themselves. Which has been causing unnecessary sufferings to the patients. This leaves the patients with no place to go and majority of patients are left untreated or ill-treated. If Patient’s welfare is the sole aim then Adopting the Integrative approach for the timely referrals will save the misery of the suffering patients, said Dr.A.K.Gupta.
I have always felt the need for this integration throughout my early days of professional Homoeopathic practice where a lot of times I felt that perhaps with integrating patients would be much better and sooner to get the best possible results to my patients and vice versa. With this ideology I started OVIHAMS in 1999 which was India’s first ever medical centre with all medical systems under one roof and Homoeopathy at the helm with only one aim of Patient’s Welfare and got accreditation in Limca Book of Records mentioned Dr.A.K.Gupta.
We helped a lot many patients with the integrated approach with Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and in some cases even with the specialized allopathic doctors like ENT Specialist, Gastroenterologist, Neurologist, etc. in obstinate cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriais, Neuralgias, Paralysis, MND, Cancers , Serious cases of Diabetes, Hypertention, Renal failure etc. Our results are heartening. In today’s times, an integrated medical network will only save the time and unnecessary expenses of the already troubled patients said Dr. Gupta.
Around 30 Papers were presented in this 2days conference in Six sessions starting with Panel discussion treateon Integrative Medicine in India: Scope and Opportunities for Homoeopathy ; Homoeopathy for Covid -19 Treatment & Prevention : Research Experience ; Intra AYUSH Collaboration & Integrated Care ; Homoeopathic Industry Experience during Covid-19 ; Homoeopathy in Public Health and finally Integrative Health Care. Many presentations were made Virtually including International from Vienna , HongKong and Nationally from Cities Mumbai, Indore, Hydrabad, Agra, Indore, Kelambakkam & Nasik etc.
While addressing the gathering of limited doctors present physically due to Covid norms and others attending virtually from different parts of the country, Dr. Gupta highlighted some Challenges which he experienced as being the Pioneer of the Integrative Medicine by virtue of starting OVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences) in the year 1999 as Private practitioner. He discussed about the Domains , Challenges and Solutions also. It was appreciated by the Chairpersons Dr. R.N.Wahi and Dr.Kanwal Sethi, former Advisor Homoeopathy Govt. of India Ministry of AYUSH.
Now since Government has taken an initiative which is appreciated and expected that my Concept of Integrative Medicine will be ultimately for the society and welfare of suffering humanity at large, Dr. Gupta said he feels very happy that his dream will come true in real sense for the Patient’s Welfare which has been the sole aim of AKGsOVIHAMS.