A Free Camp on Diabetes Mellitus will be organised at AKGsOVIHAMS Medical Centre, Pitampura this Saturday on 13th January, 2018 as part of a series of Free Monthly Health Camps. These camps will be held on the 2nd Saturday of every month and will cover various diseases for the welfare of the general population. Such camps will be organised regularly at the North Delhi branch of AKGsOVIHAMS Medical Centre at RU-115, Pitampura.
The camp will be held from 9am – 1pm. Patients can avail Free Homoeopathic Consultation and treatment as part of this camp. In addition to this, Free Blood Sugar investigations can also be done along with other Blood tests and lab investigations at subsidised rates. Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta, Founder-Director AKGsOVIHAMS, said that patients can continue with their treatment follow-up in the Om-Vidya Charitable Homoeopathic OPD which is functional everyday from 9am – 11am, except Sunday.
AKGsOVIHAMS has been accredited in the Limca Book of Records and has received numerous accolades, including the Global Healthcare Excellence Award for the Best Homoeopathic Centre in Delhi in 2013. Apart from Homoeopathy, Psychological services are also provided at AKGsOVIHAMS by Clinical Psychologist Mr. Kaartik Gupta, MPhil (Cl. Psy.). Patients can consult for problems like – Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Anger and Stress Management, De-addiction, etc. Psychological Assessment, Counselling, Psychotherapy, IQ Assessment and Personality Assessment are also offered.
In addition to these, Dr. Nishit’s Clinical Lab Collection Centre is also available at the AKGsOVIHAMS Medical Centre, Pitampura for all kinds of tests and investigations.
For registration, patients can contact on – 011-40392959, 9873565050.
Under the guidance and leadership of Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta, a team of Doctors comprising of Dr. Sanket Gupta, MD(Hom.), Kaartik Gupta, MPhil (Cl. Psy.), Dr. Praveen (BHMS), and Dr. Nishit Gupta, MD(Path.) will be providing their services for the welfare of the patients.