Aplastic Anaemia

My father is suffering from Aplastic Anaemia which has been diagnosed by AIIMS in the month of August-2006 due to that problem his Hb & Platelets counts reduced very quickly & he has also feel very week etc. But with the god grace someone direct me to meet Dr.A.K.Gupta for Homoeopathy expert, accordingly I along with my father visited in clinic &after treatment of almost 5 months the following reports comes:
A) His Hb maintained at least 35-40 days & frequent transfusions of blood stooped.
B) Platelets come 72000 from 13000 which have maintained no bleeding from the body
Note: Doctor has also suggested taking leaf of papaya & maximum green vegetables also.
We really thanks to God & Dr. A.k.Gupta for the same.
Name: Jasmeet Singh
Address: 71/50, Prem Nagar, Janak Puri, N.Delhi-58
Country: India
email: [email protected]