ASD / VSD with Broncho Pneumonia

The beauty of Homoeopathy in a terminal case of an ASD/VSD child complicated with severe Bronchopneumonia
It was a big surprise for me and a real show also, of the positive effect on the human body of the homeopathy medicines.
My child has had heart problems since birth. He had multiple VSD, ASD + TGA… After his second operation of the heart at AIIMS The heart became quite ok, but he got some severe infections in his lungs and side effects of medicines on his kidneys. He remained unconscious in the ICU for the last one and a half months after surgery. The child was on a ventilator and was not passing urine. No allopathic medicine was helping him to improve his condition. His body had swollen up badly and there was no hope of his survival.
Finally, with no hope left from allopathic medicine. We consulted to Homeopathy Dr. A. K. Gupta, and after understanding the situation he gave three days of medicines for the child. The result started showing within 18 hours. My child passed 1 liter of urine in 24 hours, next day 900 ml. Within 48 hours situation changed into hope and within 8 days child was out of ICU. After 20 days we were at home with a strong belief on homeopathy.
Thanks to Doctor A. K. Gupta and thanks to Homeopathy!
Ashwani Kumar
C-6#6046 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070.
PH: 26133565, Mobil: 9810227553