Miraculous cure of a case of Adenomyosis and Hydrosalpinx with Homoeopathy

Miraculous cure of a case of Adenomyosis and Hydrosalpinx with Homoeopathy
Patient’s Name – Mrs. Manju
Age – 34yrs
Resident – New Delhi
Chief complaint – Irregular and extremely painful periods with profound weakness and low-grade fever. She had pain in her lower abdomen, back and legs. Lot of acidity and body aches in general.
Patient was advised to go for a Trans-vaginal USG. The report dated 27th Feb. 2019 is –
After seeing this report she consulted her Gynaecologist who advised her surgical intervention. They did not want to go for it and went to Dr. Sanket at our Moti Bagh clinic and he reassured them that this case, though difficult, but can be treated well with Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathic treatment was then started. She was prescribed Apis Mel 30.
Gradually she started improving symptomatically. The low-grade fever that she was having for about 2 months was now gone and she was feeling much energetic in general over a period of time. She started having her periods on time and the pain during periods was much reduced and bearable. The flow was also better. There were no such body aches as well.
She was asked to go for a follow-up TVS. The USG dated 16th May 2019 is as follows –
The patient is absolutely cured now and she and her family thank Homoeopathy and Dr. Sanket Gupta for the wonderful life changing experience and that too in such a short span of time.
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