Spasmodic Dysphonia cured with Homoeopathy by Dr. Sanket Gupta

It all started in the middle of 2015 as my colleagues where I used to work started telling me that I make a sound without even me knowing and it is very irritating through my mouth. I was trying to control myself but then I got a new job in Dubai and I left the company… my family used to tell me that it’s because of your weight and I started to reduce my weight. I was 90 kgs and I reduced to 75 kgs but even in my new company I had this problem of making noise. I could feel that I was having a breathing problem. I went to an ENT and showed him the problem and after observing me he recommended me to visit a pulmonologist (respiratory doctor). I visited a pulmonologist and he did some chest x ray and blood tests and also breathing tests. Everything was normal but my breathing test showed some signs of asthma. My doctor gave me some tabs and also inhaler. I started using it but my breathing was ok for some time but it started all over again… since my job was in sales I was not in office most of the time. Till then I had no voice problem!
One fine evening my voice changed suddenly and I could not talk properly as though someone is choking me. It looked like I was losing my voice. I went to the same pulmonologist but he was on vacation so I went to another pulmonologist and he examined and he said to continue the inhaler and told me to visit an ENT specialist. I went to an ENT and he could feel my course voice. This was somewhere in the month of April 2016. He gave me some tabs and he did an endoscopy of my nose and throat and he said everything was fine and he did not see any trouble with my throat. After using the tabs for some days my voice improved. The best part was this voice change was mostly in the night time and morning I would be fine. So I continued with inhaler and tabs for some time. Then some of my relatives suggested me to go to India and show in Manipal hospital in manipal. So again I went to a top respiratory doctor and gave him my history. He again did the X-ray, blood test, breathing test and also told me to see ENT dept. I did but everything was normal but doctor told me it is also not asthma as the symptoms are very different as I was playing sports well. He advised me to stop the inhaler for some time and see what exactly happens. At this time I was confused and did not know what to do.
My ENT in Dubai again gave me medicine for anxiety as he felt this could also be the reason. I started anxiety medicine as well but things were becoming from bad to worse… slowly my morning and evening voice was course and everybody in the office was noticing but I used to go for sales meetings and avoid them. My diet during this time was very bad as well. So when I started searching on the internet I came to know it could be a stomach problem as well like GERD… so I visited a Gastroenterologist and he also did some tests and he also said it looks like GERD… so he gave me medicines for that… after using it for some time the voice was better but again it came back… Now it was really depressing… So I decided to speak this to my manager and I told him my problem and he could understand that. Now the problem was that even by October nobody was able to diagnose what exactly is the problem? Again I went to a top ENT and he did endoscopy but the doctor said your throat is perfect maybe I should do speech therapy. I also went to a speech therapist and they told me to attend classes which were highly expensive. I started to improve my diet and started having more juices like carrot beetroot etc. and things were getting better but it was temporary.
Then I went to holistic healing Centre where they said we will place a machine on your head and scan your entire body so that we know what exactly the problem is. Even though it was expensive I thought it was worth it as at least I know what exactly is the problem… after scanning the doctor told me that I have gall bladder stone and due to that I am having this problem and gave 14 medicines to have which was highly expensive. I again went to another Gastro to check this up and he again did tests but he told me to visit an ENT which I did …This ENT doctor told me that you may have spasmodic dysphonia. And it is incurable disease and it’s a neurological disorder. The only way is to have Botox injections every three months with a specialist doctor in India. By this time I had lost my job as well and I was feeling highly depressed. But at least now I knew what exactly the problem is. So I searched in the internet and got to know a doctor with 30yrs of experience in Bangalore who can verify if this is spasmodic dysphonia. I went to him and he confirmed it. He said only solution is Botox.
One of my relatives also gave me address of Dr Sanket Gupta in Delhi and after seeing his award for this condition I immediately met him. He advised me that there is no need for any Botox but I need to be patient for at least 6 months. This was in Feb 2017. I followed the steps of Dr. Sanket. I changed my diet, prayed more, did a lot of exercises and things changed slowly and in 6 months’ time my voice improved by 60%. I am still continuing and now in the month of Nov. 2017 I have recovered 95% and also found a job. I thank Allah for this condition that it taught me patience and hope and also to make me meet a Doctor like Dr. Sanket Gupta.
Thank you doctor once again.