Non-healing Diabetic foot treated with Homoeopathy!

This is a case of Mr. A. T., 56 yrs old man who was brought to our Rajouri Garden clinic in end of July 2017 to consult with Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta. He is a diabetic patient since 27yrs and came with complaints of burning in both the soles and even almost complete loss of sensation in the feet. He had difficulty in wearing his footwear. A full blown case of Diabetic Neuropathy! His 1st right toe had to be amputated due to Diabetes Mellitus as it had become gangrenous and would have affected other parts of the foot as well. His HbA1C level at that time was 14.6!! This was alarmingly high.
The healing of the wound that had developed after amputation was not happening or obviously extremely slow and seriously dangerous condition for the patient to be in despite best of allopathic medication and dressing, the wound was not even getting close to healing. Patient was in extreme pain as well. He was on heavy Insulin dosage along with anti-hypertension and anti-dyslipidaemia medicines. His blood reports showed the bad effects of diabetes in all other body parts like heart, kidneys and liver as well.
After going through the entire case Dr. Gupta gave him Arsenic Album 1M / 1 dose to be taken on alternate days. The patient was asked to dress the wound with the help of Calendula Mother Tincture and was also asked to keep a record of Blood Sugar Fasting and Post-Prandial. In just 1 weeks’ time, the patient started feeling much better. The pain and burning in the feet were much reduced and the blood sugar levels also started coming down on a daily basis. The same prescription was continued.
Gradually his other body symptoms and parameters also started improving. Burning and tingling in feet was much better. Heaviness over the eyes and constant palpitation and uneasiness was much reduced. Healing of the wound was extremely good by the end of 2 weeks of Homoeopathic treatment. Blood sugar levels kept coming down steadily and gradually.
The wound by now has been completely healed though the patient is still undergoing treatment for diabetes mellitus and other issues.
Watch the complete recovery of Mr. A. T.