
Leucoderma cured with Homoeopathy
It was a matter of tremendous concern to notice white patches in April ’2003 on the body of my 5 months old son till I contacted ayurvedic dermatologist at Guna (MP) and when he told that the white patch is of Vitiligo, commonly known as Leukoderma.
Then I frantically looked for took appointments from dermatologists at Sir Gangaram Hospital New Delhi and Leelavati Hospital Mumbai and they also endorsed the view of the doctor at Guna. It was confirmed that this was vitiligo. It was also told to me that it is not a coincidence but since my brother has vitiligo, it’s hereditary. And of course there were so difficult and unproven treatments available in allopathy, I was completely confused and confounded.
I started the allopathic treatment as I never wanted my kid to have such disease. One day I came across the website of OVIHAMS where I read about Dr Gupta. I called him up from Guna (MP) and took his appointment somewhere around in June 2003. I came to Delhi especially to consult him and Dr Gupta after a long discussion and review of previous prescriptions diagnosed the ailment as vitiligo and said that “I will correct it”.
The treatment started and within 6 months i.e. by Dec’2003 the patches at armpits, around neck folds, groins, back of knee were recoloured upto around 40%. I sent the photographs to him and the treatment continued. Meanwhile I also got transferred to Mumbai but the treatment continued.
Today the coloring of the area is almost 90% complete (treatment still continues) and only when you see very minutely you can ascertain some very dim patches. Now my son has completed 2 years and I have no hesitation in saying that Dr Gupta has really done a commendable job by treating Vitiligo of my son. I am really thankful to him and wish him all the very best in his service to the patients suffering from skin diseases.
God Bless All.
(Girija Shankar)