Epidermolysis Bullosa

Efficacy of Homoeopathy in EB
Our daughter, Clara, has a rare skin disease, which is named Epidermolysis Bullosa.
From the view of conventional medicine, the disease is caused by a damaged DNA.
Since around one year now, Clara gets a Homöopathic treatment from Prof. Dr.A.K. Gupta.
Mainly the contacts are made by e-mail and Skype. A few weeks ago, Prof. Dr.A.K. Gupta visited us in Germany.
Even there is still a long way, we are sure, we see already success. Clara has much less sores an blisters, than in the past. She is fine and psychologically stable.
We are thankful to Prof. Dr.A.K. Gupta, because of his great effort and commitment to Clara.
Not only with medicine, also with ideas of handling the daily work with Clara, he brought a lot of good ideas in our life. His experience is noticeable.
Our expectations were far exceeded. We found a friend, not only a doctor.
We could recommend the work with Prof. Dr. Gupta without any limitation.
Thank you.
Christina Ziegler Ralph Ziegler