Diabetes Mellitus

Miraculous Result of Homoeopathy in DIABETES MELLITUS
HI, my name is Dr Nakul Parashar. I work with Macmillan Publishing Solutions. I manage all Indian locations —
Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata. Since I have to manage around1200 employees at all of these locations nationwide, I have a lot of traveling. At times, I am stationed away from home for many months. I stayed for four months during October 2008 —
January 2009 at Chennai. I ate food cook prepared by restaurants around. Owing to enormous work pressures, long working hours and erratic life style patterns, I led myself to diabetes. At first, I did not realize increase of sugar levelin my blood but one day towards the end of January,
I found my vision getting blurred, and increase in thirst levels with frequent urination. Since Dr AK Gupta is our family doctor, I went and saw him in the morning of 24.1.2009. Dr Gupta noticed that things were not good at my end. So, he immediately checked me up and suspected something serious and took out a small machine from his bag and took some blood from my fingertip with his Instant Blood Sugar check-up machine which did not give any reading rather showed HI only on the screen, seeing that he said it seems to be very high Blood Sugar level.
He gave me some Liquid medicines to be taken 10 drops twice and some powders and also suggested me to get blood and urine checked up from the nearby Path Lab. I went around to the nearest Lab and got my sugar levels tested…to anyone’s surprise…random blood sugar testing yielded an unbelievable result…my sugar level had shot up to 832!!! Dr Gupta too was stunned.
He immediately gave me some medicines and increased the dose to 25-30 drops told me that the situation was quite grave… Since I have had been trusting Homeopathy from inception, I heeded to whatever he told me to follow. With the medicines that he gave me…I could realize that my blurred vision started returning to normal.
Frequent thirst also started to recede with frequent urination subsiding rapidly. A week later, when I see him again 832 figures plummets to 403…and thereafter, things start turning purple. I trusted him, homeopathy and thy Lord– almighty. Regular exercise and medication of Dr Gupta with dietary control brought all of it under control so rapidly that people around me were surprised. Without any allopathic/ayurvedic medicine, I am back on tracks with normal blood sugar levels.
Kudos to Homeopathy…I would say it works faster than any other form of medicine… All it takes is sheer belief/placebo with homeopathy.
Details of Blood Reports:- Normal range 24.1.2009 Blood sugar random – 832mg/dl(<160) Urine Sugar random – ++++ (Nil) Blood sugar Fasting – 271 (60 – 100)28.1.2009 Urine Sugar Fasting – +++ (nil) Blood sugar PP – 518 (80 – 140) Urine Sugar PP – ++++ (Nil) HbA1C – 11.5% (< 6 %) 28.1.2009 Blood sugar random -403 (with Glucometer at clinic) 7.2.2009 Blood sugar Fasting – 248.2 Urine Sugar Fasting – +++ Blood sugar PP – 361.8 Urine Sugar PP – ++++ 11.2.2009. Blood Sugar Fasting – 217 Random – 321 16.2.2009. Blood Sugar Fasting – 104
Dr Nakul Parashar
Address: C2/109 Janakpuri New Delhi 10058 Country: India
Email:[email protected]