Celiac Disease

..I had ben suffering from Glutten Intolerance/ commonly known as Wheat Allergy. As i use to have recurrent Abdominl discomfort with pain, losse stools ect after eatng meals. Doctors nvestigated and confirmed the diagnosis of having Celiac Disease. I had Thyroid also.
I use to have Pain in Right side of abdomen for nearly 1 year.
On 30.3.2019 when i consulted Dr A.K. Gupta
My Blood tests reports were as under
tTG level was 76.2
Hb- 8.6gms ; Vit D3- 7.53 ; Vit. B12 – 186 ; CRP -6.5 ; ANA +ve
After the homeopathic treatment feeling almost completely ok. have started with little bit of wheat also and don’t experiance any discomfort or pain.
On 25.12.2019
Blood reports are
Hb -104gms
tTG -28.2
rest oftherepots are also ok.