Blood Pressure

This is a case of 49 year old housewife, Mrs. Kain. Her daughter is a patient of Dr. Sanket Gupta and on one of such visits she had come to see him at his clinic in Satya Niketan, Moti Bagh. While she was sitting inside the chamber and narrating her complains to the doctor, she received a call from her house and she immediately became panicky. The call was from her father who told her that her mother was having shooting pain in her head and was crying with pain. As she was an old hypertensive, they checked her blood pressure. The reading was 220/130mm of Hg. Even on checking the blood pressure again after 5 minutes, the reading was still the same.
The terrified girl told everything to Dr. Sanket and asked him if he could help her with anything to stop the agony of her mother. Dr. Sanket gave her some medicines to give to her mother at an interval of every 5 minutes and advised her to rush her mother to the hospital as there was a definite danger of stroke. Luckily she was staying nearby so she could immediately go home and medicate her mother. They decided to take her to the nearby Primus hospital in Chanakya Puri.
She kept giving the homoeopathic liquid medicines to her mother all along the way. Within this half an hour itself she started feeling relaxation in her head and by the time they reached the emergency section of the Primus hospital and a nurse checked her blood pressure, her BP had come down to 156/104mm of Hg! The hospital doctors kept her under observation for 2 hrs after listening to the narrative of her family. The girl though kept giving the same Homoeopathic medicines to her mother, though at longer intervals of 20 minutes each. The doctor had asked the nurse to check her BP every half an hour. With every reading there was a gradual and steady decline in the Blood pressure of the 49yr old woman. Seeing that the BP was now well maintained and out of danger, the doctor asked her family to take her back home.
At this time a much relieved girl called Dr. Sanket to thank him and tell him that her mother was doing fine now and was much much better with the final reading being 132/90 mm of Hg when they left from the hospital. Since that day, Mrs. Kain became a fan of homoeopathy and now takes regular Homoeopathic treatment for all her ailments.