Anxiety Neurosis

A case treated without Medication
I got in touch with Dr. Sanket Gupta because a friend of mine had spoken highly of him, and told me he could help me. I will not say that I was suffering from a disease, because I have been corrected many times, to call my state of mind a disorder, and something I could fix, with suitable help and guidance. This is how the good doctor operates, he seeks to enthuse one with hope and positivity right from the beginning. I used to suffer from anxiety, and not of a mild, occasional kind, but of an ever present, extremely oppressive nature, such that I was unable to function normally in my daily life. I will not go into the details of it, for those were dark times for me and I do not wish to recall the memories, but I would state this in the most effective manner possible, that never in my life have I faced anything as debilitating and as hurtful as the kind of state of mind I used to live with. And the worst part was, I was so full of doubts as to whether I would ever be able to overcome this condition, that I had almost started believing that I was to live like this, in this distraught and stagnant condition for the rest of my life.
As a doctor, Sanket has been so generous with his time and his attention that no amount of money could hope to compensate him for. He would counsel me and help me with such perseverance, that one can find only one reason for his dedication, and that would be the fact that he is absolutely in love with his job. He didn’t help me out of the goodness of his heart, although he is an exceedingly good human being; he helped me because he is so gifted at what he does, and he genuinely loves his profession. In my belief, that is THE best kind of doctor to trust your maladies to, because he is as devoted, perhaps more, towards your recovery as you are. He was always available, and made sure to always inspire me and buoy me with positivity, he answered my endless barrage of questions with clarity and patience. He would not let me get discouraged, and when I recall some of the counseling session I had with him, I can only wonder how he ever managed to be so patient and supportive throughout. He has my endless thanks, for the way he handles those who seek help from him, with such professionalism as befits a doctor, and yet radiates empathy and understanding for those suffering with disorders similar to mine.
Doctor Sanket has been so effective with his methods of treatment, that not only did he convince me of the fact that my anxiety is gone, he equipped me to deal with so much on my own. Due to his expertise at treating such conditions, I have never experienced anything more than what a perfectly mentally sound person would feel when caught up in bad situations. My anxiety left me, and my doubts left me, and it was a grueling, grueling road I travelled for about three months, and then some more, but I had Doctor to lead, guide and help me along, as the situation merited. The doctor helped me resolve a condition I had been afflicted with for nothing less than 10 months or so, and would have grappled with for God only know how much longer, and achieved all of this simply with his counseling; he did not have me on any medication throughout the period of treatment.
His genius at his profession has been experienced and expounded by many, I am sure, and maybe there are other psychologists that could have helped me, but I don’t think I would have gone to them, because the emotional investment Doctor Sanket makes in your recovery, makes him so approachable, available, kind, empathetic and understanding, and in terms of time and commitment, he far surpasses anything that one can expect. I am no psychologist, but another thing I identified during my experience with Doctor Sanket is that he is himself a very balanced, confident and positive person, and constantly uplifts and pushes you in the same direction, towards being optimistic and developing a can-do attitude; never once does one have to have any negativity or rejection come off the good doctor. A person who is undergoing a mental disorder is more likely to take every word and act for more than it could imply, and attach meanings to it, but with the doctor, he doesn’t make you feel unwelcome or any other negative emotion throughout the experience with him. I believe that is only because he is has so wholesome a character, and that makes him the best person to approach for seeking counseling from.
He is candid, and delivers on the promises he makes, and he never gives up. I am full of gratitude for how he has helped me fix my life, and his is a debt I shall carry all my life, not that he ever makes you feel like he did anything, he lets you take all the credit. Even after I got healed of my anxiety disorder, I am still in touch with him, and seek and rely upon his effective guidance like he is my elder brother, and he is always there to help out a young adult with the twists and turns that life is so fond of taking at this age. I am glad I took the decision to speak with him, because he an extremely valuable person to have in your life. This testimonial is an acknowledgement of the nothing-short-of-miracle he pulled on me, and also a little token expression of the gratitude I feel for his treatment, help, guidance, encouragement, time, effort, attention, kindness and for helping me change my life for the better.
S. Singh, U.P