
September 19, 2023by


September 19, 2023 by


The influence of the Thyroid Gland is both for reacting and critical to normal body functions. It affects heart rates, cholesterol level, body weight and energy level, muscle strength, skin condition, vision, menstrual regularities, mental state and quite many of other ailments or maladies. Despite its pervasive influence, however the thyroid gland and its disorder are still not widely understood around. People who are taking less quantity of iodized salt in diet are more prone to thyroid dysfunctions. People who are living in hilly areas are also very prone to thyroid dysfunctions. Patients with thyroid disorders if treated lead normal active lives and if remain untreated thyroid disorder can affect the patients cardiovascular system, reproductive and other major organs. Overactive thyroid condition is called hyperthyroidism and sluggish action thyroid causes hypothyroidism. Both these conditions can be treated with Homoeopathic Medicines. A small soft diffuse Goitre which may occur at puberty which regress spontaneously without any medication also known as Euthyroid.

The Thyroid Gland consists of an isthmus and two lateral lobes and lies in front of and on either side of the upper part of the trachea. It is related to recurrent laryngeal nerves posteriorly. The parathyroid gland are usually to be found lying on the posterior aspect of the thyroid. Thyroid Gland secretes two harmones T3 and T4. The action of the thyroid harmones is to increase the rate of metabolism of most tissues. The thyroid function is controlled by thyrotrophin, thyroid stimulating harmone TSH secreted by the anterior pituitary which in turn is controlled by TRH secreted by the hypothalamus.

HYPOTHYROIDISM may be primary due to causes within the thyroid gland or less commonly secondary due to failure of TSH production. There is decreased production of T3 and T4 by thyroid. HYPERTHYROIDISM :- The clinical condition consequent upon over production of T3 or both T3 and T4 is referred to as Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis. It is found much more frequently in women than in men (8:1), usually in the third to sixth decade. Thyrotoxicosis may occur rarely in the new born. This form of hyperthyroidism is self limiting. If thyrotoxicosis occurs before epiphyseal fusion there is an increase in the growth rate so that affected children are unusually tall for their age
HYPOTHYROIDISM may be primary due to causes within the thyroid gland or less commonly secondary due to failure of TSH production. There is decreased production of T3 and T4 by thyroid. Clinical Features: Fatigue Hoarse voice Mood swings Difficulty in swallowing Forgetfulness Intolerance of cold Dry Coarse Skin and Hands Slowing of ankle jerk, E.C.G. shows changes of myocardial ischaemia Face swollen, puffy eyelids, thick lips, enlarged tongue. In infants, failure of thyroid development is responsible for the condition of cretenism. The diagnostic features are failure to achieve the normal milestones of development, constipation, poor feeding and a characteristic cry only in advanced cases and the child develop the obvious features of cretinism which includes a coarse facies with a broad flat nose, thick lips and a large tongue protuding from the mouth and a pot belly with umblical hernia. In children poor performance of school, lack of interest in games or slowing of growth. HYPERTHYROIDISM :- The clinical condition consequent upon over production of T3 or both T3 and T4 is referred to as Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis. It is found much more frequently in women than in men (8:1), usually in the third to sixth decade. Thyrotoxicosis may occur rarely in the new born. This form of hyperthyroidism is self limiting. If thyrotoxicosis occurs before epiphyseal fusion there is an increase in the growth rate so that affected children are unusually tall for their age. Clinical Features of Hyperthyroidism. Sinus tachycardia during sleep Patient commonly complain of increased frequency of bowel motion Retraction of upper eyelid Tremors of the fingers Hands are hot and sweating, Intolerance of warm environment Exopthalmos, pretibial myxoedemo, finger clubbing, reduced fertility Exposure of the cornea may cause keratitis.
  • Eat iodized salt
  • Manage your BP
  • Do regular exercises Practice enchanting 'OM'
  • Avoid getting
  • constipated
  • Avoid junk food
Common Remedies:- Iodum, Thyroidinum, Spongia, Calc Carb., Calc Flour. and Nat Mur. Iodum:- has great absorbent action which is rapid and intense. Glands swollen, hand and heavy, trembling of whole body weak and rapidly losing flesh, feels always too hot. Thyroidinum:- A sarcode prepared from dried thyroid gland of the sheep. It regulates the mechanism of nutrition, growth and development. A state of puffiness and obesity, feels tired and sick. Goitre, tingling, myxodema with loss of hairs cretenism, acromegaly tetany. Spongia:- Toasted sponge contains small percentage of iodine. It is suited to fair haired women and children of lax fibre, flabby and scrofulous constitution. Exhaustion and heaviness of body. Nat. Mur.:- Common salt affects the nutrition. The patient is lean, thin poorly nourished. Emaciation descending of neck and abdomen. Goitre twitching in muscles < with the sun, heat of sun, > open air sweating.
The measurement of serum T3 and T4 with measurement of TSH level helps in diagnosis of Hypo and Hyperthyroidism. Alongwith this Anti-TPO and Anti-Tg are done to rule out auto-immune Thyroiditis.
Homoeopathy extremely effective for Thyroid Disorders MR. X New Delhi Case of Congenital Hypothyroidism Cured with Homoeopathy Master K Age 2yrs Date 13.8.1997 Diagnosis : Congenital Hypothyroidism and Mucopoly Sacchridosis Level of T4 – 1.5 ug/dl (4.5 – 13.5 ug/dl) and TSH is more than 100 (0.3 – 5.0 uIU)Cytological Diagnosis shows reactive Hyperplasia and chronic non specific Lymphadenitis. Swelling of hands and feet, recurrent attacks of cold and cough, delayed growth, delay milestones, child is constipated, dullness in mental and physical level, sweating on head otherwise dry skin, dermatitis, alopecia. The case was shown and discussed in KML with slides by Dr.A.K.Gupta Medicine : Cale Carb. 200 / 1 dose, Phytolacca 30, Iodum 30 / B.D. continued for 8 – 9 months. After this period the patients was much better in general. He plays well, speech normal. He is active child now a days and his level of T4 and TSH comes to normal within few months. MAST. K New Delhi Hyperthyroidism Cured with Homoeopathy Mrs. R. K. Age 52yrs Date 20.10.1993 Diagnosis : Hyperthyroidism It is a diagnosed case of Hyperthyroidism with Arthritis. T4 level in blood is 19.25 (5.5 – 13.5). TSH is more than 15 (2.5 – 6.0). Cold aspiration shows cytopathological changes – Multinodular colloid Goitre. Symptoms– Headache, Tingling with numbness in hands, increased sweating on head, hands and palpitation, intolerance of warm environment, patient feel better by consolation, cannot bear contradiction. Pain in eyes, Loss of weight. Medicine- Iodum 200 / 3doses and Bryonia 200 / B.D., Cale Iod 200 / B.D. was given for 7 – 8 months and other medinices are also given in between according to sign / symp. of the patient. On 15.8.1994 reports of T3 and T4 shows decreased level in blood and patient was much better. There is increase in weight and swelling of neck regress. Palpitation beter. MRS. R. K New Delhi

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