
The influence of the Thyroid Gland is both for reacting and critical to normal body functions. It affects heart rates, cholesterol level, body weight and energy level, muscle strength, skin condition, vision, menstrual regularities, mental state and quite many of other ailments or maladies. Despite its pervasive influence, however the thyroid gland and its disorder are still not widely understood around. People who are taking less quantity of iodized salt in diet are more prone to thyroid dysfunctions. People who are living in hilly areas are also very prone to thyroid dysfunctions. Patients with thyroid disorders if treated lead normal active lives and if remain untreated thyroid disorder can affect the patients cardiovascular system, reproductive and other major organs. Overactive thyroid condition is called hyperthyroidism and sluggish action thyroid causes hypothyroidism. Both these conditions can be treated with Homoeopathic Medicines. A small soft diffuse Goitre which may occur at puberty which regress spontaneously without any medication also known as Euthyroid.
The Thyroid Gland consists of an isthmus and two lateral lobes and lies in front of and on either side of the upper part of the trachea. It is related to recurrent laryngeal nerves posteriorly. The parathyroid gland are usually to be found lying on the posterior aspect of the thyroid. Thyroid Gland secretes two harmones T3 and T4. The action of the thyroid harmones is to increase the rate of metabolism of most tissues. The thyroid function is controlled by thyrotrophin, thyroid stimulating harmone TSH secreted by the anterior pituitary which in turn is controlled by TRH secreted by the hypothalamus.