Phobias in Children

Phobias in Children
Phobias are found to be seen in children of all ages, from little newborns to 12-14-year-old children. Like the phobia of being alone, which symptomatically is seen as crying in small and little ones; the older ones become anxious and might panic and search for their parents.
There are other phobias like phobia of darkness, animals, injury and getting injured, of being hit, phobia of stage, thunderstorms, light, school, phobia from sudden noises as they are always taught in childhood that the child should not go to a particular place or do a particular thing, as there are ghosts or monsters. Unintentionally, the parents end up harboring certain phobias in their own children’s mind. You will be surprised to know that a phobia can start as early as 2 months of age in a child.
If we thoroughly try to understand the nature and the cause of the child’s phobia, then he can betreated very well with Homeopathy.
Phobia can also develop dueto an unwanted incident like being bullied at school and the child is unable tospeak up or complaint which can hamper his overall development. So, here it isa huge role of the parents to develop confidence in their wards and encouragethe child so that even if in future, he/she is in some unwanted situation, he/sheshould be able to come back and tell his/her parents about the incident andthus he develops confidence.
Teachers and schoolcounsellors also have a very important role. Everybody should try to worktogether to find out the cause of the child’s phobia along with giving him/herHomeopathic treatment. It can be completely cured.