
September 10, 2023by


September 10, 2023 by


Inflammation of the pancreas is called Pancreatitis. Pancreatic damage happens when the digestive enzymes are activated before they are released into the small intestine and begin attacking the pancreas.
It is of 2 types – Acute and Chronic


  •  Gall stones
  • Long-time alcohol use
  • Hereditary disorders of the Pancreas
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • High triglycerides
  • Medicinal side effects
  • Auto-immune infections
  • Trauma
  • Metabolic disorders like Diabetes Mellitus
  • Surgery
  • Upper abdominal pain that radiates into the back; it may be aggravated by eating, especially foods high in fat
  • Swollen and tender abdomen
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Increased heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Diabetes due to damage to the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas
  • Avoid intake of alcohol
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid fried and fatty food
  • Avoid getting constipated
  • Avoid intake of excessive carbs
The pancreas is an extremely important gland of the body and it plays a very essential role in metabolism and digestion. Any inflammation of the pancreas (esp. Acute) can be not only extremely painful but even fatal at times. As mentioned in the section above, gallstones and alcohol intake are the most probable risk factors that may cause pancreatitis. An acute pancreatitis is usually a medical emergency where patient has to be rushed to the hospital immediately as the acute inflammation can lead to bursting of the pancreas and hence causing abdominal perforation and peritonitis. In such cases, though less common, surgery has to be done immediately if the inflammation is uncontrollable with medicines. Homoeopathic medicines also can help to minimise the pain and inflammation if given at the earliest, though further investigation must be done even if the pain is curtailed or continues. However chronic pancreatitis does not always require surgical intervention and is very much treatable with Homoeopathic medicines. Though surgery is usually the norm in the Allopathic system all the anti-inflammatory drugs are used up without much results. Here Homoeopathy has a wonderful role to play as it not only manages the symptoms of the disease well but also roots out the chronic inflammation completely from the pancreatic system in much less time and that too without any side effects in a very gentle and potent way. Homoeopathic medicines act on the basic cause of the inflammation keeping the constitution of the patient in mind to cure the patient completely. If the patients follow the dos and don’ts told to them by the treating Homoeopathic Doctor well, then there is no reason why a patient suffering from Pancreatitis be not completely back to the pink of his health.
  • Blood test for Pancreatic amylase and Pancreatic lipase
  • Glucose Tolerance test
  • Ultrasound of the whole abdomen
  • CT Scan and MRI of the abdomen
  •  Blood Insulin levels
  • ERCP

Case of Pancreatic cyst and Chronic Pancreatitis cure with Homoeopathy

Watch the young patient narrating his journey to a complete cure with Homoeopathy. SATENDER New Delhi

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