Inguinal Hernia

August 26, 2023by

Inguinal Hernia

August 26, 2023 by

Inguinal Hernia

An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. The resulting bulge can be painful, especially when you cough, bend over, or lift a heavy object.

Some inguinal hernias have no apparent cause. Others might occur as a result of:
  • Increased pressure within the abdomen
  • A pre-existing weak spot in the abdominal wall
  • A combination of increased pressure within the abdomen and a pre-existing weak spot in the abdominal wall
  • Straining during bowel movements or urination
  • Strenuous activity
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic coughing or sneezing
  • A bulge in the area on either side of the pubic bone, which becomes more obvious when patient is upright, especially if one coughs or strain
  • A burning or aching sensation at the bulge
  • Pain or discomfort in the groin, especially when bending over, coughing or lifting
  • A heavy or dragging sensation in the groin
  • Weakness or pressure in the groin
  • Occasionally, pain and swelling around the testicles when the protruding intestine descends into the scrotum
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Talk to the doctor about the best exercise and diet plan.
  • Emphasize high-fiber foods. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain fiber that can help prevent constipation and straining.
  • Lift heavy objects carefully or avoid heavy lifting. If you must lift something heavy, always bend from your knees — not your waist.
  • Stop smoking. Besides its role in many serious diseases, smoking often causes a chronic cough that can lead to or aggravate an inguinal hernia.
  • Don't rely on a truss. Wearing a supportive garment designed to keep hernias in place (hernia truss) doesn't correct the problem or help prevent complications
Inguinal Hernia or (Groin Hernia) is the most common type of hernia and is seen very often at our clinics. Usually lifting heavy weights is the precursor of this problem. It may be extremely painful or may have no pain at all and just present as a lump or swelling in the groin area. The lump may be reducible (means on pushing the swelling or in a lying down position the herniation is not observed) or non-reducible. A reducible hernia has a much better prognosis as compared to a non-reducible hernia. In fact, a reducible hernia is very much treatable without any medication also. The patient just has to avoid lifting any sort of weights, follow the dos and don’ts and wear an inguinal hernia belt (which is readily available in the market and comes in different sizes according to suitability) for about 3 to 4 weeks and the hernia would be actually gone. The reason is that during this resting period and comforting the abdominal wall with the help of a hernia belt, the body muscles repair and strengthen on their own. In case of a non-reducible inguinal hernia, usually a general surgeon advises to go for surgical intervention where they apply a mesh sheet to cover the sort of escape route in anterior abdominal wall for the various viscera. Such surgical hernia treatment has been seen to fail where a relapse of hernia has been seen in many cases. The good news is that there is absolutely no need to go for any surgical intervention for inguinal hernia as it is completely curable with Homoeopathy. Even the stringent non-reducible inguinal hernia swellings can be completely restored and surgery is absolutely preventable. The only and most important aspect of the treatment of inguinal hernia is management along with Homoeopathic medicines. The modus operandi of the Homoeopathic cure is to act as a catalyst in the repair and strengthening of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall naturally so as to prevent the viscera from escaping. In such a scenario the chances of recurrence are also minimal. From a small baby to an old man, anyone who has an inguinal hernia can be very well treated with Homoeopathic medicines. There are many Homoeopathic medicines that are useful in successfully treating Inguinal hernia. Some of them are – Nux Vomica, Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Arnica, Rhodendron, Ruta, Thuja, etc.
  • Clinical Examination
  • USG of the lower abdomen
  • USG of the scrotum

Inguinal Hernia

Infantile Left Inguinal Hernia cured with Homoeopathy My self Prabhakar Singh and I have a newborn baby boy approx. 1 month of age who was suffering with inguinal hernia. Every Doctor I saw for my son said that the treatment for Inguinal Hernia was not possible and that only surgery was the way out. But someone suggested trying to look for any treatment in Homoeopathy for once.  I came across AKGsOVIHAMS clinic on the net and I went to consult there for my son. We met Dr. Sanket Gupta there and he was the 1st doctor who said that my son could be treated and there was no need of surgery. We were thrilled to hear this but also doubtful if this was possible. But the way Dr. Sanket assured us, made us believe in him and Homoeopathy. With full faith we started the treatment in May 2015 and in just 2 months treatment my baby became absolutely fine. The swelling of hernia had disappeared in 20 days only but to completely cure we continued the medicines for 1 more month. We have never seen hernia again till date. I want to thank Dr. Sanket Gupta for saving my son from the misery of a surgery. PRABHAKAR SINGH Aya Nagar, New Delhi

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