Herpes (Simplex, Progenitalis, Labialis, Zoster)

Herpes (Simplex, Progenitalis, Labialis, Zoster)
Herpes is a viral infection disease. The Herpes virus affecting the genitals is often transmitted by sexual contact. The virus (Type 1) is known to be transmitted by a respiratory route, while the virus (Type 2) is through sexual contact. Some of the patients exhibit the symptoms due to the virus while many have the virus residing silently in the sacral ganglion without showing any indications of its presence.
Most of the suffers have recurring infections, as the virus has a tendency to show its disease activities periodically, especially during the phases of stress, lowered immunity or without any known reason. Due to carefree sex and careless contact, this infection is bound to touch an epidemic status one day.