EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa)

August 25, 2023by

EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa)

August 25, 2023 by

EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa)

Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of inherited disorders in which skin blisters develop in response to minor injury. Alternative Names Junctional epidermolysis bullosa; Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa; Hemidesmosomal epidermolysis bullosa; Weber-Cockayne syndrome.


There are four main types of epidermolysis bullosa:
  • Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
  • Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
  • Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
  • Hemidesmosomal epidermolysis bullosa
All of the different types of epidermolysis bullosa are generally inherited. Therefore, having a family history of the disease, especially an affected parent, is a risk factor. The inheritance pattern may be dominant or recessive. A dominant form means that an offspring can inherit the gene or trait from one affected parent. The recessive form means that both parents must carry a gene and transmit that gene to the offspring in order for the infant or child to be affected.
Depending on the type present, epidermolysis bullosa varies in severity from minor blistering of the skin to a lethal form involving other organs. The condition generally starts at birth or soon after that. Weber-Cockayne is the most common form of epidermolysis bullosa simplex. This type involves blistering of the palms and soles and may include excessive sweating. The recessive forms of epidermolysis bullosa tend to be more severe. The hallmark of these conditions is the formation of large, fluid-filled blisters that develop in response to minor trauma. Some infants may have large blisters at birth. Others start shortly after birth. Chafing (wearing away) of the skin, rubbing, or even increased room temperature may cause blisters to form. In the severe forms, scarring after blister formation may cause deformities, fusion of the fingers and toes, and contracture deformities (for example, at the fingers, elbows and knees). If the mouth and esophagus are involved, blistering and scarring lead to feeding and swallowing difficulties.
All forms of EB need to be prevented from leading into deformities and super ceded infections. The skin must not be allowed to become completely dry.
EB is a group of inherited disorders, and so it is very difficult to cure all types of this disease. EB Simplex has been cured beautifully with Homeopathic medicines. For the other types Homeopathic medicine has proved to be very beneficial in preventing deformities and secondary infections.
Skin biopsy, Complete Haemogram.

EB Case Helped with Homoeopathy

My Name is Irena. I live in CANADA and I have a son Avi. He is 8 years old and he has EBS – which is a rare Genetic Skin Disorder Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is the term used to describe a number of rare genetic conditions which cause the skin to blister and peel off in response to minimal friction and trauma. There is currently no cure, but research continues. There is still a long way to go but an effective treatment to prevent or reduce the blistering may ultimately be possible. Dowling Meara EB simplex itself cannot be treated, but there is much that parents and professionals can do to reduce the impact of the symptoms. Since, September 2013 – Which THANK GOD, My husband just found a Video on YOUTUBE that shows the same case like my son has been Cured COMPLETELY by Dr. Sanket Gupta, MD (Hom) – Under his Homeopathic treatment. I couldn’t sleep that night… I called Dr. Sanket Gupta, and asked if he can help my son – He didn’t even hesitate, and answered ABSOLUTELLY – I Will  Since that time, there has been a lot of improvement in my son’s condition, which is not a Miracle, as there is a definite scientific methodology that Dr. Gupta follows with his Homoeopathic treatment.  I can definitely say – that Avi has much fewer blisters showing up, very little pain, no more constipation … As soon as I will be able to fly to Dr Sanket Gupta in India, to get the full treatment for my Son – I’LL DO THAT!!! My HOPE is to see my son without any blisters one day!!!! I’ll pray and Thank to God that I found out about Doctor Sanket!!!! He is Our Hope!!! Thank you, Dear Dr Sanket, for saving people’s Lives!!!!!!!!! IRENA ASOR Canada

EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) helped with Homoeopathy

Efficacy of Homoeopathy in EB Our daughter, Clara, has a rare skin disease, which is named Epidermolysis Bullosa. From the view of conventional medicine, the disease is caused by a damaged DNA. For around one year now, Clara has been getting Homöopathic treatment from Prof. Dr. A.K. Gupta. Mainly the contacts are made by e-mail and Skype. A few weeks ago, Prof. Dr. A.K. Gupta visited us in Germany. Even though there is still a long way, we are sure, we see already a success. Clara has much fewer sores an blisters, than in the past. She is fine and psychologically stable. We are thankful to Prof. Dr.A.K. Gupta, because of his great effort and commitment to Clara. Not only with medicine, also with ideas of handling the daily work with Clara, he brought a lot of good ideas in our life. His experience is noticeable. Our expectations were far exceeded. We found a friend, not only a doctor. We could recommend the work with Prof. Dr. Gupta without any limitation. Thank you. Christina Ziegler Ralph Ziegler RALPH ZIEGLER Germany

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