Book of Records
2001 Record


It was Dr. A.K.Gupta, Founder Director of OVIHAMS who believed that none of the systems of medicine is complete in its own, though each has its own merits with limitations. Ignorance regarding the efficacy of other systems of medicine or hesitation to accept the other systems of medicine or lack of interaction with medical experts of the other systems unfortunately leads to the prolonging of the already suffering patients said Dr Gupta recipient of “International Hahnemann Millennium Award”.

Most of the times patients are in dilemma that which would be the most appropriate system for his particular ailment and where to seek that medical advice.

It was Dr Gupta’s personal bad and sad experience which he experienced when one of his patient who was treated and cured by Homoeopathy was shrugged off as just like that by Allopathic doctor from AIIMS, Dr.Gupta felt really very bad that instead of recognizing the efficacy of some other system patient was ridiculed and made to understand that sometimes cure takes place on its own.


It was Dr. A.K.Gupta, Founder Director of OVIHAMS who believed that none of the systems of medicine is complete in its own, though each has its own merits with limitations. Ignorance regarding the efficacy of other systems of medicine or hesitation to accept the other systems of medicine or lack of interaction with medical experts of the other systems unfortunately leads to the prolonging of the already suffering patients said Dr Gupta recipient of “International Hahnemann Millennium Award”. Most of the times patients are in dilemma that which would be the most appropriate system for his particular ailment and where to seek that medical advice. It was Dr Gupta’s personal bad and sad experience which he experienced when one of his patient who was treated and cured by Homoeopathy was shrugged off as just like that by Allopathic doctor from AIIMS, Dr.Gupta felt really very bad that instead of recognizing the efficacy of some other system patient was ridiculed and made to understand that sometimes cure takes place on its own.

Dr. Gupta wondered if it was so then why did doctors from AIIMS prescribed the medicines and asked the patient that it might take 9 -10 months to treat the problem. Few more unhappy experiences made him think that anybody who professes his system of medicine is alright but Does he have any right to condemn the other system of medicine without knowing anything about it?

And specially Is he really concerened about the welfare of the patients? , who due to some reason or the other is not responding to one particular system of medicine or where patients can’t take medicines . Thinking very deeply he made up his mind and felt that the need of the hour is that experts of various systems of medicine should shun away their misconceptions and their Ego and work together with open mindedness and believing that every system of medicine has got something to offer in certain specified fields and recognizing them can have the integrated approach if need be to provide the best possible medical care to the suffering humanity.

To mark the 1999 as International Year of Elderly, Dr.Gupta dedicated OVIHAMS ,this institute to his revered elderly parents Shri Om Prakash Gupta and Smt. Vidya Wati who are guiding force to him. It is his endeavour that eversince the inception OVIHAMS on 8th August 1999 he has been holding A Free Camp on 8th of every Month and innumerable people has already been benefitted through these camps, where patients have the cafeteria choice of treatment among various systems of medicines and if needed the integration of systems is also done to provide the best medical care to achieve the best results and cure for the patients.

Wish that the world realises this and adopts the Integration of medical sysytems for the betterment of suffering humanity. Let the Medical fraternity dapts it, As every system of medicine has effectivity so does have some limitations too. Accepting the best of all systems and understanding its limitations for the best medical and health care for humanity.


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