
Patient’s Name – Mrs. Manju

Age – 34yrs

Resident – New Delhi

Chief complaint – Irregular and extremely painful periods with profound weakness and low-grade fever. She had pain in her lower abdomen, back and legs. Lot of acidity and body aches in general.

Patient was advised to go for a Trans-vaginal USG. The report dated 27th Feb. 2019 is –

After seeing this report she consulted her Gynaecologist who advised her surgical intervention. They did not want to go for it and went to Dr. Sanket at our Moti Bagh clinic and he reassured them that this case, though difficult, but can be treated well with Homoeopathy.

Homoeopathic treatment was then started. She was prescribed Apis Mel 30.

Gradually she started improving symptomatically. The low-grade fever that she was having for about 2 months was now gone and she was feeling much energetic in general over a period of time. She started having her periods on time and the pain during periods was much reduced and bearable. The flow was also better. There were no such body aches as well.

She was asked to go for a follow-up TVS. The USG dated 16th May 2019 is as follows –

The patient is absolutely cured now and she and her family thank Homoeopathy and Dr. Sanket Gupta for the wonderful life changing experience and that too in such a short span of time.


This is a case of Mr. A. T., 56 yrs old man who was brought to our Rajouri Garden clinic in end of July 2017 to consult with Prof. Dr. A. K. Gupta. He is a diabetic patient since 27yrs and came with complaints of burning in both the soles and even almost complete loss of sensation in the feet. He had difficulty in wearing his footwear. A full blown case of Diabetic Neuropathy! His 1st right toe had to be amputated due to Diabetes Mellitus as it had become gangrenous and would have affected other parts of the foot as well. His HbA1C level at that time was 14.6!! This was alarmingly high. The healing of the wound that had developed after amputation was not happening or obviously extremely slow and seriously dangerous condition for the patient to be in despite best of allopathic medication and dressing, the wound was not even getting close to healing. Patient was in extreme pain as well. He was on heavy Insulin dosage along with anti-hypertension and anti-dyslipidaemia medicines. His blood reports showed the bad effects of diabetes in all other body parts like heart, kidneys and liver as well.

After going through the entire case Dr. Gupta gave him Arsenic Album 1M / 1 dose to be taken on alternate days. The patient was asked to dress the wound with the help of Calendula Mother Tincture and was also asked to keep a record of Blood Sugar Fasting and Post-Prandial. In just 1 weeks’ time, the patient started feeling much better. The pain and burning in the feet were much reduced and the blood sugar levels also started coming down on a daily basis. The same prescription was continued.

Gradually his other body symptoms and parameters also started improving. Burning and tingling in feet was much better. Heaviness over the eyes and constant palpitation and uneasiness was much reduced. Healing of the wound was extremely good by the end of 2 weeks of Homoeopathic treatment. Blood sugar levels kept coming down steadily and gradually.

The wound by now has been completely healed though the patient is still undergoing treatment for diabetes mellitus and other issues.

27th July 2017

13th Aug. 2017

29th Aug.2017

10th Sept. 2017

26th Sept. 2017

4th Oct. 2017


Name – Mr. Saurav Vij
Age – 22 yrs.
Address – Pitam Pura, New Delhi
Date – 26th July 2006




  • Big white patch on the back since 1993.
  • Flatulence after eating
  • Recurrent cough and cold
  • Increased frequency of stools since 1-2 yrs.



 Patient was apparently well until in 1993 he noticed a white patch on his back which gradually increased in size and occupied almost the whole of his back.

He has been complaining of recurrent cold and cough that he catches every now and then since 8-10 yrs.

His no. of stools in a day has also increased owing to the higher stress levels, sedentary life-style and unhealthy food habits. He complains of gas formation in the abdomen esp. after eating fried and spicy food. It causes flatulence which tends to relieve the gastric disturbance.


 Had Herpes Zoster infection few yrs ago

Tonsillectomy at the age of 14 yrs


Father – Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus

Maternal side – Diabetes Mellitus

Maternal Aunt – Leucoderma


 Hb – 11.9 gm%

Serum IgE – 437

Serum Calcium – 8.5

Stool analysis shows cysts and ova


  • Desire for Cold, Ice creams (+++)
  • Likes Non – vegetarian food (+++)
  • Desire for Spicy food (+++)
  • Desire for Sweets (+++)
  • Habit of taking Paan – 8-9/day


  • Short tempered; easily gets irritated
  • Likes solitude
  • Fear of crowded places
  • Fear of heights
  • Very ambitious
  • Always in a hurry
  • Always wants to be busy and occupied
  • Restlessness
  • Fastidious


Leucoderma, Allergic Rhino-Pharyngitis, Chronic Amoebiasis



26th July. 2006



Argentum Nit.200 / 1 dose



5th Aug. 2006

  • His anxiety levels had gone down to some extent
  • Frequency of stools improved

No change in the patch


Sac lac for 1 week




14th Aug. 2006

  • No significant change noticed



Argentum Nit.200 / 1 dose



27th Aug. 2006

  • Flatulence still the same
  • No change in the patch



Nux Vomica 200/ 1dose


11th Sept. 2006

  • Felling better in general
  • Flatulence reduced



Nux Vomica 200/ 2 doses/ weekly


28th Sept. 2006

  • Much better in general
  • Patch has reduced in size
  • No more gas formation



Sac lac for 1 month


8th Nov. 2006

  • Slight gastric discomfort
  • No more change in the spot



Nux Vomica 200/ 2 doses/ 1 month


6th Dec. 2006

  • Much better in general
  • Patch further reduced
  • Gastric discomfort much reduced



Nux Vomica 200 / 1 dose

5th Jan. 2007

  • Much better in general



Sac lac for 1 month


9th Feb. 2007

  • Better in general



Nux Vomica 200/ 2 doses/ 2 months


26th Apr. 2007

  • Better in general



Nux Vomic 200/ 3 doses


13th Aug. 2007

  • Much better in general.
  • Patch much reduced now


Sac Lac for 2 months


15th Oct. 2007

  • Patch reduced further more, almost minimum now



Sac Lac for 1 month

24th Nov. 2007

  • No more de-pigmented patch seen.
  • Skin colour of the back, returns to normal colour and texture










  1. Argentum Nit. – On the 1st visit itself, the patient appeared to be a highly anxious personality with lots of fears and apprehensions. characteristic symptoms like:-
  • hurriedness
  • fear of heights
  • fear of crowded places

made me select this remedy as these came out as predominant personality traits


  1. Nux Vomica – this was the final selection and a constitutional prescription. After giving Argentum Nit., I realized that his anxiety levels have definitely gone down but there was absolutely no change in the white patch. I again went through the entire case and this time I was sure that Mr. S. V needed Nux vomica. The points that went in favour of this remedy were:-
  • Short tempered; easily gets irritated
  • Likes solitude
  • Very ambitious
  • Always in a hurry
  • Always wants to be busy and occupied
  • Restlessness
  • Fastidious


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