
OBESITY is a chronic disease, characterized by the localized or generalized collection of fat at the wrong places and in wrong proportions. Yes I would call obesity a chronic disease, which should be treated as such and due attention should be given to find out the underlying cause of OBESITY and treat it. Now, when we label obesity as a disease, the treatment has to be carried out under strict Medical supervision and care.

OBESITY is taking alarming proportions in the society now days due to various factors. Luxurious life styles, indiscriminate dietary habits, lack of exercise have increased the incidence of OBESITY manifold.

About This

  • ANDROIDS or Male Pattern Obesity
  • GYNOIDS or Female Pattern Obesity
  • GENRALISED Obesity
  • In ANDROID type of obesity, the accumulation of fat is generally in the upper part of the body. This is likened to a Pear. The fat in this type of Obesity is usually present on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and upper part of the stomach.
  • The GYNOID type of Obesity is the condition in which the accumulation of fat is lower half of the body like abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and legs. This is likened to a Pear.
  • Besides these types of Obesity, we find a generalized type of Obesity, where almost whole of the body is affected and the body looks like barrel.


Hough obesity is often a nutritional mismanagement i.e. intake of calories is more than the amount spent by the body, it can also be caused by a number of the factors like:-
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • post natal obesity.
  • menopausal obesity.
  • Depression and so on
  • Complication
The Consequences of Obesity are many:-
  • Heart problems
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Joint pains
  • Osteoporosis
  • Stroke
  • Certain types of cancers
  • Piles etc.
Take the cause of joint pains, think of walking 1 KM carrying away suitcases of 15kg each in each hand and see how easily you can get tired. Similarly you are carrying the extra burden day in and day out. Just think about the amount of hard work, your back and knees are doing to support this extra weight. Your heart has to pump harder to push the much needed blood to your vital organs. All this leads an overall reduction of your age and also to a lifestyle full of complications, which in turn make the like miserable.
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